Politics have become more and more evil as time goes on. During this past election I don't recall any of the candidates talking a great deal about what they were going to do or why we should vote for them but instead it seemed to be almost entirely negative advertising about the "other guy" no matter who that was. Is it any wonder that people get all worked up about how awful the "other guy" actually is?
Well, while I was happy that Trump won, convincingly I might add, I wasn't over the moon like a lot of people seem to be. I also can't really related to how extremely unhappy people are that were on the losing side. Seeing talk show hosts cry, seeing Whoopi Goldberg have a meltdown and refusing to say Trump's name and especially the near violent outbursts that I would see featured on the news or on various sites. I don't have TikTok and never will so I don't get these things from the source.
The 4B movement is one that really seems like an extreme cry for help because of mental problems though and I don't understand how people can get as wrapped up in politics as this and who they think they are actually helping by doing this crazy stuff.

We get a real laugh about this in North Carolina because I feel as though our state is rather politically neutral and when one side wins or loses it mostly doesn't get talked about a great deal about a few weeks later. This might sound like I am making this up but the area I live in is deeply conservative to the point where Democrats don't even bother to run for most local positions and after Biden won the election, there were people that were upset, but then a week later everyone just moved on with their lives.
These 4B people, I think, are one, just doing this for attention on line, and two, will likely stop doing it pretty quickly.

A bunch of the people really dedicated to this outburst are shaving their heads to I dunno, I guess so they can be a walking advertisement for their political views. OF course the jokes are already starting about how refusing to have sex with men wasn't really a choice that they had anyway and some less vicious things are being said about how it is hoped that these women will donate their cut off hair to cancer or alopecia victims who are incapable of growing hair and could really use it.
While I realize that by living in a conservative area I am not going to be exposed to a lot of these things and am subjected to the internet which of course will find the worst examples and try to present it as the norm.
But here is a genuine question: Do conservatives do this when their side loses? Because I don't really recall that happening. I know that hardcore devoted political-types would probably try to use Jan 6th Capitol thing as an extreme example, but honestly, that was very peaceful and there was a lot of really bizarre things that happened there such as suspected plants in the crowd that were likely Antifa or even government agents, as well as the Capitol police opening the doors and ushering the people in.
I don't recall conservatives really doing something as dramatic as forming some sort of club that was going to buck the system even to their own detriment because they were unhappy with an election result. I recognize that as a conservative myself I might be looking at this through my own unintentional echo-chamber, so if some liberal out there would care to point it out to me, I really do want to know. From my perspective the destruction of property, blocking of traffic, the attacks on others with different beliefs, and of course shaving your head and vowing off sex for an entire presidency seems almost exclusively a tactic of the left.
Also if anyone would care to know the original 4B came from Korea and while I don't know a great deal about it, it plummeted that already low birth rate of that country that has the lowest birth-rate in the world below a "replacement" level. You can look at the explanation of it HERE if you want to. It's just the wiki and a lot of people don't trust those with good reason.
I don't know what to make of all of this and hope it is just a fad or a method of attempting to get more followers on TikTok. People have gotten famous for stupider reasons!
I guess that could be the intention of these people in USA as well, who knows. To me it just seems like crazy sour grapes. I also don't think it is as widespread as the media attempts to make it look because they lie about everything.