Although the legislation is only temporarily blocked, in my mind and the minds of anyone sensible it seems as though it is completely crazy that legislation of this sort ever made it to a vote, let alone passed.
The "medical misinformation law" would punish doctors, scientists, average Joes, and anyone else that publishes information that is contrary to what the legislators of California dictate as "the truth" in regards to medicine. After all, who better to decide what is true and what isn't than people that for the most part have absolutely no background in medicine or science at all!
I think that anyone who has been paying attention for the past 3 years and how governments, social media, and regular media reacted to any introduction of information regarding Covid-19 that fell outside of the government-approved narrative would like to have the government shut the hell up and get out of the way. Of all the governments in the world, the only ones that seem to have done anything correctly in response to the global FREAK OUT, were the governments that decided to do little or nothing.
Regarding "misinformation" there are a ton of things that were talked about that were deemed "conspiracy theories" or "dangerous information" that now, years later, are regarded as true.
I didn't make this chart but there could be a TON more stuff on it than is featured there. Back in the past few years if you were a medical professional and stood up to question these things, you were very much in danger of losing your livelihood and being cancelled in a much more dire way than just having your Twitter suspended.
In the proposed California law, professionals who talk about things that go against what the California legislature has determined is the truth could have their medical licenses revoked as well.
How in the hell would people continue to support anyone who would even entertain such an Orwellian idea? Not only did the law make it to the floor of California's legislature, but it passed and the governor signed it into law quietly on January 1st of this year.
Judge William Shubb described the law's definition of "misinformation" as "nonsense" and went further to call the entire wording of the law to be "grammatically incoherent."
It is difficult for country boys over here in the po-dunk areas of the East Coast to understand a great deal of what happens in California but I am a bit in awe that the people that live there would be totally cool with a room full of legislators taking more and more control of not just what you can do and where you can go, but also ruin your life if they don't like what you have to say. This is the opposite of freedom but what the hell? We don't really have a lot of that in America anymore these days anyway.
I'm no scientist, but one thing that I do know about the scientific community and the advancement of anything scientific is that not only is criticism of any established idea permitted, it is actually encouraged for the sake of advancing all science.
The people who voted for this law need to be looked at and voted out but seeing as how California has a track record for simply electing anyone with a "D" next to their name I'm pretty sure there will be no repercussions for those involved - same as it has always been.
It's not just Covid, it's anything - and if the government starts to be in control of scientific discussion and discovery, you can be guaranteed that there will be neither of those in any meaningful capacity ever again.