A brainfart. The "Cult of Me" needs to be turned on it's head.

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Cooperation & altruism becomes competition & angst and how this is used against us. "

A social interest brainfart which looks at how people are manipulated into an “anti other” viewpoint by controlled supply, media manipulation, public rhetoric.
How combined these are the most powerful tools any government, corporation or individual can use in keeping a
population self involved, selfish & separate. Accepting of rampant inequality as though it is a prerequisite to this modern world.
How re-framed speech can be used to sell something highly unpalatable to the average human simply by using deliberately positive wording.
We are not going to war to enable for-profit enterprise.
We are fighting for freedom, for democracy.

Good tax, bad tax is a new one, as though adding the word good before the word tax, makes it so.
Conversely how that same system can be used to demonize other things.
It's welfare and a hand-out now instead of social insurance.
Even pensions are now considered welfare, working folks paid all their lives into the social insurance fund via taxes to ensure a pension in their old age.
This is not welfare, though it has been now framed as such.
The “It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission” mentality and how that affects those whose permission should have been asked.
How researchers found the major inhibitor to compassion is money & how those with money own most of what is sold to us including opinions.
Berkeley Vagus test & how entitlement breeds a broken human.mememe.png

“If I said you could help undo the us & them mentality, replace it with unity & empathy, would your interest be piqued?”
Then would you totally reject that idea when I submit to you that it would require around six months of living a below poverty existence for this reset to occur?
How many of you went from open to the idea to absolutely closed minded?
Why do you think that is? Could it be that you also believe yourself as entitled to your 'hard earned' luxury & therefore unwilling to let it go?
Why is that? Could it be because you also cringe at the idea of living below poverty, knowing how difficult & stressful it would be?

“How did we get entitled?
Human beings were a collective species riding peaks & valleys of famine & feast as one, supplies were gathered & supplied & stored by the community.
Seldom did any average community member take more than was needed, understanding that the unity of the group was paramount to it's survival.
According to psychology professor Jerry Kroth of the Santa Clara University, the rise in the self-ism paradigm is directly correlated to the media narrative, although entitlement will insist it's vice versa.
Self-ism is not promoted by the individual who understands they are part of a community.
It is endorsed, practised & broadcast by those who believe they are above "the community", this is a mindset of division & jealousy.

Poverty & stress and the subsequent blame cannot lift up the human condition.
When there is no safety net for those less fortunate, it is documented certain crimes can rise by up to 400%, this is creates a less safe and “secure” society.
In other words denigration of those less fortunate removes “social security” & creates “social chaos”.
This one example shows the public are easily assisted in shifting their opinion to a negative one at the hands of those who stand to best gain.
From distraction to denigration, the tools used are neither constructive nor beneficial to the general populace when the main imprint left is selfism & self entitlement.

Things need to be turned around. It's time for a new cult.

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