The Injustice of Economic Classism

in politics •  last year 

Economic Classism is s bastard/illegitimate hirarchy because it's immoral and not legal, such class predationism is always designed to be self serving by the parasite class for example "If jobs can fire you on the spot I don't think that a 2 week notice is necessary," true, power to the proletariat, you are not legally required to give notice, just don't do it.

Class predationism is a very interesting kind of parasite because when you think about a parasite you don't usually think about something that is mutually beneficial but classism is mutually beneficial, the only problem is that it's lopsided, they get out of you more than you get out of them, it's systemic.

In reality, had it not been due to scarcity, nobody would need to sell themselves to class for labor.

Notice how all the good things are discouraged, like quitting a bad job, leaving for better pay, applying to gain experience when in reality they would rather you already have it upon application.

There is also the authoritarian aspect of not making decisions over your labor, and having to ask permission to have the day off or even use the bathroom had it not been for labor laws.

There is no difference between volunteering and employment except for the fact that one gives you Cashback after already donating to them a surplus amount of cash in labor value, the only reason people seek employment is because they lack the means of production, for example if I wanted to be a farmer I can be one on my own, I don't need a boss but there is a problem, I don't have the means of production (land) to do it so I must be hired by a landlord who does, and in return he's going to take away the product of my labor which is what I planted, grew and harvested and he's going to sell it to the farmers markets instead of me and he's going to get paid for the product of my labor instead of me and only then does he give a fraction of his earnings to me, way less than the total of my labors worth.

So in that example I just donated to him and he returned me a fraction of my donation with Cashback, it's like giving him 6 apples and getting 2 oranges in return, the oranges can't be sold for the equivalent of 6 apples because they are worth the same, but you needed oranges so you where willing to convert one form of wealth to another at a net loss, that is how class predationism wealth extortionism works.

You already have all the wealth you need for the day in time, energy and education, but you need money to function in society because that's a systemic requirement so you need to convert your time, energy and education into fruitful action so that you can sell the fruit/product of your labor and get a conversion of time, energy and education into money, because you need divergent things that aren't inherent to man, that's all good the problem is when you don't have a means to perform under your own name so you must sell your person to an employer who will capitalize off your need of his means of production type of wealth and or name recognition to convert your inherent wealth into productivity and in return you fund their operations of wealth extortion for a fraction of your worth in return.

This isn't justice, it's predatory, and this doesn't require totalitarian communism to fix, it can be fixed with free market solutions, by abolishing systemic oppression of e-commerce like the illigality of spontaneous informal feeless street vending, preventing home businesses and abolishing sales tax, income tax, inheritance tax, usury with a national loan depository and many other creative solutions.

We don't have to have emoloyism, this is a choice we collectively made to live as slaves, it does not have to be this way.

What is the price of freedom worth? Well let me tell you this, I would rather struggle with my own business than accept better pay working for a large enterprise big business brand, because I believe in the concept of true independence and freedom, I know that with my own business I set the prices, I can market my values/politics, I can take whatever days off I want and I can run the workplace or make the business dealings myself.

I don't ever need to worry about DEI, Pride, vaccines or anything being pushed on me by an employer nor do I need to ask permission for the day off or petition for a raise, if I want a raise I just raise the prices of what I'm selling.

If you work in a business as an employee, you aren't selling anyone anything, the employer is, you're just going through the motions for them so they can capitalize off of your desperation for a job by wealth extorting you.

We truly need a classless society, I know many people unfortunately enjoy being slaves but there are also way more people who don't but feel like they have to be slaves because the system is set up that way.

The first and biggest thing we must address to have a classless society is we need to lower the cost of living, that will increase opportunity to start your own business because you won't have the excessive and brutal pressure of generating enough income to break even with sociatal living expenses.

The absurd cost of living is the single biggest barrier to starting a business because you can't live off a beginners income, new businesses don't usually generate enough because of lack of name recognition and perfection of the efficiencies of the art.

Anyone can sell, but can they sell enough to pay all their living expenses? That's when the answer is usually no, maybe eventually if they hang on but it's not doable to take the risk or even do it if a reward was promised.

This is a systemic problem, even if you opt for being an employee you probably aren't making enough money even then to keep up with the cost of living, but for as long as hired you are guaranteed an income that only gets raised once in a blue moon as you spend your time being miserable making someone else rich and complying with their mandates as in wearing a mask when it's expected, getting vaccinated if it's demanded, self censoring your political activity to avoid getting fired and being owned basically.

You can quit your employment any time, I know you want to, it's just that you don't have anywhere else to go to sustain yourself so you stay put in fear and under control.

You can't even save up to leave because the money loses value through inflation, maybe you can buy gold but I don't trust that scammy industry, cars depreciate like bricks so don't bother storing wealth that way, buying land is a Ponzi scheme because it does go up in value but it can't happen forever, eventually people will be unable or reluctant to buy it because it's too expensive.

Figure it out because everything is working against you.

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