in politics •  7 years ago 

The states are less than a month away from a Trump administration and Obama supporters are weeping. If only they knew the reality of their so called leader. Obama truly ran his presidency like no one before. He doubled the national debt, adding more debt than all the other presidents COMBINED. He bombed six countries, even more than the war mongering previous president, Bush, who bombed four countries. Trump, being the business tycoon that he is, has a history of deal making and peaceful negotiation like no president elect has before. We can only hope now that he will bring the troops home and lower the taxes like he states he will.

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and months later ....

with the lowest approval rating in the history of the Presidency, and a strong possibility of colluding with the enemy ... no troops are coming home; and no taxes are being lowered either ...

I said we can only hope 🤷‍♂️