Hillary Clinton Blames Alex Jones for Losing ElectionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  7 years ago 

Published on Jun 1, 2017
Hillary Clinton was the featured speaker at Recode's Code Conference in California on Wednesday, where of course she kept blaming everyone else but herself for losing the election. This time, she singled out Alex Jones, and said he was coordinating with the Russians to expose her! Media analyst Mark Dice has the story @ http://bit.ly/1QHJwaK

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Mark Dice is terrific, Clinton is a fruit-loop, husband is a rapist and CNN is ISIS. hahaha


She should gracefully retire and stop crying.

Me too hackerwhacker - and same with Obama! Up-voted and following mate.

Ha ha ha thats hysterical - of course it is common knowledge that psychopaths and narccisists always blame others. Classic!

Haha, Alex Jones man... wtf! And of course the Russians, blame them for everything.

Great post, interesting video.

Thanks for the up-vote lasseehlers ( we seem to be on the same page mate - up-voted you back and following.) SK.

thanks you are welcome, check out my latest videos about bitconnect if you like to make money. You will find it on my second latest blog post and the link to bitconnect is: https://bitconnect.co/?ref=lasseehlers

Will have a look tomorrow mate - thanks. Off to bed now. Goodnight!

Have a great one.

So funny how this whole "Russia Conspiracy " , keeps spreading and so many people actually believe this nonsense. Hilary should be behind bars, along with Soros and all the snakes that want to destroy society.

She's just a bad loser

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I thought she forgot about the election. But it keeps coming up. She wishes she were a man so that she could get the voter riled up. She should have done it anyways. No excuses.

And I love the way Alex uses Hillary's voice in the intro for his show.

First she loses Bill's erection thanks to Monica, now she's lost her election thanks to Alex. Is there justice in this world...

She also said that there were "1,000 Russian agents involved".

Someone give that lady a tin-foil hat.

Ha! Let's face it, most of her own party hates her too!

The same alex jones who got high and drunk on joe rogans podcast talking about inter-dementonal child pedophiles?

Great post !! Should humbly retire and stop the crying

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

LOL that's a good one! oh that Hillary, she's such a crack-up. Hillary lost because she sucks more then one of the most ridiculous people on the planet. Seriously, how bad do you have to be to lose to Trump of all people. LMAO!!!

So far it's been the fault of James Comey, muh Russians, the deplorables and now Alex Jones. Can she just not admit it was HER fault?

Who won't she blame??

Awww the poor, confused professional victims on the left. Take away their pity passes, sympathy seeking and lowered standards and you have nothing left but empty heads and empty people.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
She is going to get nowhere constantly screaming the same thing and not reshaping the DNC for more voters/rallies

can you say prison sentence??

She only has her self to blame for losing maybe her party should have got ride of her and tried to have someone run that wasn't a lier and a cheat

She's the reason Trump won. Even if people think Trump is an idiot they know she would be worse. We need better politicians who actually listen and if we have to vote for idiots we'll gladly do it until a real politician that's for the people actually steps up.

Of course by that I also mean a man/woman who will stand for morals and values and not allow the loud minority to let feelings dictate policy. Good intentions don't lead to good results.