Lunatic Professor Claims Teaching Algebra And Geometry Bolsters White Privilege

in politics •  7 years ago 

Lunatic Professor Claims Teaching Algebra And Geometry Bolsters White Privilege

Article by: Rapta

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Professor Rochelle Gutierrez is claiming that teaching algebra and geometry reinforces white privilege. She told Campus Reform “School mathematics curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean Theorem and pi perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans,"

I could go on all day about how crazy this but I'll just say as a graduate of modern leftist dominated college I'll just say this is why you should go to trade school instead of college.

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What a moron.

Do you have a reference for her statements?

You can google and find plenty of sources on it.

I found one of her scholarly journal articles: "The Sociopolitical Turn in Mathematics Education", Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,
Vol. 44, No. 1, Equity Special Issue
(January 2013), pp. 37-68.

It's 33 pages of dense text with no sign of any knowledge of mathematics.

Seems like they'll let anyone be a professor these days.

Scarier is that these are the people that are guiding the creation and revision of public school curricula (leading to idiocy like trying to teach the commutative properly of multiplication in grade 6, but screwing up the actually teaching of multiplication).