Jeremy Corbyn (UK`s Labour Party Leader) is as weak and dumb as they come!

in politics •  6 years ago 

After your recent news article (and meeting with a Jewish group) about anti-semitism/ jewish racism must be tackled (within the Labour Party and in the public domain).....

Does this group look like anti-semetic or racist to you, Corbyn???

Jewish Protestors.jpg

What about this group of people for criticising the Isreali Governments Foreign Policy, Corbyn???

Jewish Protestors2.jpg

What about this group of people for criticizing the make-up and ideology of the Isreali Government, Corbyn???

Jewish Protestors3.jpg

What about this group of people for condemning the Isreali Government`s Attacks in Gaza and Palestine (on innocent civilians), Corbyn???

Jews Against the Isreali Gov.jpg

Just for opposing the BS that you talk maybe I am a racist and anti-semite in your eyes, Corbyn??? ..... But then most of the worlds politicians are just full off it and as they get higher up the political ladder the more they get better at talking it! PS ALL. You are aware that the husband of Theresa May (Prime Mini-Stirrer of the UK) is involved in a hedgefund where they are the biggest shareholders of BAE Systems (British Aero-Space Engineering) shares. Isnt it funny that since his wife (Theresa May) decided to join forces with the Americans and the French to bomb Syria (due to the recent supposedSyrian Government chemical weapons attack where still no a single shead of evidence has been provided) BAE Systems share valuations/ price has gone upwards!!! This is a conflict of interests where her family benefits directly from her decision to bomb Syria! It is becoming more and more clearer to you as to how much bribery and corruption has deseased UK, British and English politics..... and the world over..... especially the EU Super-State where the actual decision makers are those that are placed into all positions of power and certainly not democratically elected (like you keep hearing that the EU is all about democracy)!!! If you want democracy then you need to defend your sovereign countrys histories, values, communities and wealth..... and not those of an entire continent wherealldecisions are made by acentralisedbureaucratic and unelected governing entity! Do you want a bright future and great prosperity for future generations yet to be born... or do you want them to live in a world where their voices are totally drowned-out by corporatism (where companies make the decisions to better themselves and increase their profit margins) rather than better the lives of the population, allow them to better themselves, a place where you strive for a higher bar to reap the rewards and allow capitalism to flourish as it is the only system/ ideology (throughout the entire human history) that actual works for a population..... and enriches the nation states (individually, and as a whole)! For the people - Company Monopolies dont work, Socialism doesnt work, Communism doesnt work, Multi-Cultaralism doesnt work, Tyrannical Regimes dont work.

Anti - EU.jpg

In the UK:

The Conservative Party have now clearly moved into the category of..... Multi-National Business Pushers! If you want very little competition in Business then this is the Party to vote for! This is where your monpolies come into the discussion as they only are interested in Multi-National Business Companies. They are not bothered about bettering the UK or living standards of the poorest people in the nation. Back in 2010 (when the Conservative Party) won the General Election from Labour one of the first things that they did was increase VAT (Value Added Tax) from 17.5% to 20% where it has stayed ever since! That is what you voted for, is it?... A Government to steal more of your own personal wealth away from you on the majority of things that you buy (VAT isnt applied to food). Now, seeing as though the majority of the UK Economy is driven by small businesses... can you see why they are not good to lead the country (especially when it comes to the current Brexit fiasco)? Plus, theyhave(nothad`) committed paedophiles working within their party at this present moment in time!..... You might want to look into that/ do a little bit of digging and research! Why does the Main-Stain Media never seem to talk of this???

The Labour Party - They have clearly become..... International Socialist Pushers! They want everybody to share the wealth. If you do well in a business contract and make a profit they would confiscate it from you and share that profit with the entire population of the nation. Doesnt that scare you? Why on earth should lazy or non-driven individuals get a share of the profits from another persons success. This leads to disaster and destroying because it doesn`t create a nation of striving for better, individual and national wealth..... it (without doubt) only goes to destroy wealth and pull everybody down into poverty, starvation and a wrecked economy where there are only two levels of class - the rulers and the population. PLUS, the Labour Party employs ex-BNP (British National Party) members! Again, do a little digging and research and you will see that this is correct, accurate and truthful information. Once again, why is it that nobody in Main-Stain Media talks of this??? Who is a racist Political Party, again?

So far we have a Conservative PAEDO Party and a Labour BNP Party!!! Who do we have next on the list?

UKIP - This UK Political Party refuses to employ ex-BNP (British National Party) members as they get referred to as a racist party by Main-Stain Media already, and that would just fuel the fire. But as more and more people are turning away from MSM (tv, radio and publications) and influencial figures (actors, actresses, Failed U.S Presidents etc.) people are certainly waking-up to the manipulation, lies, brainwashing, propaganda, alot of airtime but very, very little quality content etc. and therefore are turning these particular media outlets off.... Their evil spells over us are getting ever weaker! In February of this year (2018) Gerard Batten was elected as the leader of UKIP. Two days later he was at its Head Office as this Political Party was on the verge of going into liquidation. It tried a crowd-funding event where it needed to raise a certain amount of cash to pay its creditors..... Anyway, it worked, and they were able to raise three (3) times the amount needed. I think that it could be called a success!?! This feeds the beast and gives a new-found confidence and belief to a Party that now has the worst and darkest days behind it. Just like me, things only go from strength to strength from that point on as that specific reference point is continually used to fuel the fire, strive for excellence and reach your goals. Once you have visited the lowest points there are no longer exceptions, excuses or an unknown plan or agenda to be ever back at those lows ever, ever again! EVERYTHING becomes possible and reachable as previous experiences only drives forward future goals! Gerrard has been with UKIP since its very beginning and has stuck with it through thick and thin and the highs and the very, very lows. UKIP stands for freedom, a future of prosperity, push through a harder Brexit deal, a nation of individual sovereignty (where the Queen Of England is not just acitizenof the EU and has no sovereign rights other than that like you and I, and will be allowed to take-up herrightful?position as holder of the throne! Undercontrolfrom the EU, the Queen isofficiallyjust a citizen! Please feel free to look it up (as you might be surprised what else you may find along the way there/ on the journey), and just like in cryptocurrencies please do your own due-dilligence before deciding. Gerrard was recently interviewed and you can find his recent interview on YouTube with Tommy Robinson on Tommys YT Channel - TommyRobinsonOnline.

Do I get awarded my own label of racist, white supremacist, bigot, offender of speech etc. etc. etc.??? PS. I am glad to hear that Count Dankula only got a £800 fine for a clearly pre-stated joke called Nazi-Dog on YT! XxAnti - EU.jpg

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Interesting stuff. I know little about the internal politics within Israel but at least it exists which means that there is a safe place within the region for free speech.