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in politics •  7 years ago 

A Commentary by American Patriot
September 12, 2017
Ways and Means #1
There's no quicker way to induce sleep in an audience than to mention the words “ways and means”. Nobody wants to be a bean counter. And the world is generally separated into two groups. Those that have the ways and means, and those that spend their lives trying to find the ways and means.
But that's one hell of a lopsided equation. If you follow that road, and push comes to shove between those two groups, it's pretty much a no brainer who will win. That is, until you discover that the money somehow makes them seem bigger, in much the same way as a street thug graduating to a gun owner makes him appear larger than he actually is.
That's when the ability to revolution becomes ways and means. Remember the Symbionese liberation army who kidnapped for ransom and robbed banks to finance their “revolutionary” activities? Well, you get the idea. With the American middle class disappearing, the reality on the ground is; that equation, barring a turnaround that makes America great again, will create an even more lopsided equation.
But what does that mean to you? Well, it will be a lot like having an underwater mortgage. You'll be on the hunt for ways and means. First the ways and means to your own survival, and if you have any spare time, (time out) from that inquisition, then you'll be in search of ways and means to make life better.
If you're up every morning before the sun, and breakfast is your main meal of the day, and then with the attention to detail, and a lifetime of hard work, you manage to stabilize your life at a certain survival level, and you're content with that level, then the last thing in the world you want is is for somebody to upset that apple cart.
That's what makes you a deplorable. If there is a right way to revolution, then you reason that it should, at the very least, be the less painful way to make a change. Less painful, but far from the easiest way to make a change. That's the why of Trump.
Oh sure, and for sure, he causes the progressives and status quo some discomfort; a condition that they haven't experienced in living memory. So quite naturally, they misidentify their discomfort as pain, as a result of their life experience and not knowing the difference. They are conflicted and they're going through an identity crisis. They've always thought of themselves as the oppressed, the downtrodden and the revolutionaries.
It's a metamorphosis not unlike what you would experience if you won the lottery and were relegated to living all up in there amongst the rich and well borne, only to be treated as an interloper. Oh sure on net worth, you may be on par, and that infers a certain level of acceptance, but yours in not old money. And that's not a glass ceiling, it's concrete, steel reinforced armor plate.
The point is, you can get half the equation and still be hungry for acceptance. And that's pretty much the birthplace of political correctness. The original seed. Ways and means can go beyond the physical, to reside in a place that there's no other description for except will.
And it's responsible will that comes first in your mind, as ways and means to make change. But by necessity, responsible will has to make change, or it will morph, by necessity, to irresponsible will. Pretty much, change by any means necessary. Maybe you've seen some evidence of that injected into your world most recently.
That's what Antifa is all about. They are in voluntary cooperation with the socialist faction of the Democrat party, in the process of forcing their will, their change, by force. Now the status quo Democrats, perhaps because of their age, status or condition of birth, are having a problem with that. And at least overtly, they are disassociating themselves with Antifa, just as they have always done with any group that they see as a liability or a threat to their political power agenda.
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Did you catch it? They just went over to the other side. They just became haves. They just became old money. And everybody else just became expendable. Oh, they'll deny it, because they have no other choice.
They need that coalition of the willing, comprised primarily by the have nots as the foundation of their power. As the enabler of their anointed or they themselves risk becoming expendable. In the understanding that in the power game, it's far more satisfactory to be in the hierarchy of a communist state, than to be a blue collar worker in a capitalist state. And if a masquerade, high treason and treachery become the ways and means of their acceptance, and royal title. If at some point, they are required to demonstrate total loyalty and unconditional love to and of the status quo, there will be no hesitation. The commitment has already been made, and the consequences accepted.
Now, all that you've read is one heck of a lot for the average person to digest in one meal. It's an introduction to your future. And a small glimpse behind the curtain as to exactly what and who will be the driver of your future. It foretells of a conflict of interest. A crossroads in history. A crooked road that must be followed, if for no other reason than just to get to the end. To a destination called stability, and survivability.
They have a saying where I'm from. “If you don't like the weather in the Rocky Mountains, well just wait a minute”. Chances are that was the genesis of another saying, popular with the old timers. “Only fools and newcomers even try to predict the weather”.
It's a bad news, good news situation, pretty much dependent on where you're hanging out on the food chain. If the end game, like the weather is unpredictable, that's probably because the end game is subject to change without notice? And that's where you come in.
First, you'll need to make up your mind what you want that end game to look like. Justice? Liberty? Or perhaps just control? Would you include political correctness in that end game? Would it mean a better life for you and yours? Would that apply to everyone? You are what you are. A product of upbringing? A product of the struggle for life?
Will all of your adopted values and principles make the cut? Can you make change the right way? And if you can't. If that way is prohibited to you, what then? Do you give up on the idea of change? Do you recognize that you are behind the learning curve of where the progressives are, right now, this day, this moment, real time? Yeah well, they had a head start. Their change has no perimeters, no rules and no boundaries. Hell, it doesn't even require any thought. Any ability to reason. Change for the sake of change, in the conviction that anything is better than Trump. And that's what happens in the avoidance of discomfort, erroneously identified as pain.
Survival is an absolute, easily distinguished from its alternative; as in, this world may cause you some discomfort. But the trick to survival is to endure the discomfort lest it turn to pain. Your future is in your hands. You're the director. And if your not, then you might as well be sitting in the audience.
Do what you can, when you can, for a more harmonious outcome. And even then, expect change, dependent of course on the level of change, discomfort or pain that you're willing or able to tolerate. Cause you ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming, unless you can find the ways and means to stop it.

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