Roy Moore Climbing in Polls, People Forgetting About Sex Crimes

in politics •  7 years ago 

People forget things REALLY QUICKLY. I was thinking, if southern Republicans want so-called "northeastern liberal elites" to respect them more, maybe don't vote for the accused serial child sex abuser?

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If substance mattered to Americans, Trump wouldn't have been a nominee.

What non-conservatives often forget is that there is a very simple calculus social conservatives are trained to perform when it comes to their vote.

First, you list all the reasons you should vote for the Democrat. Then you say "Yeah, but he supports baby killing." (because an unthinking cluster of cells is a 'baby')

And that's how Republicans get their base to vote for anybody.

This election is the single greatest condemnation of faith over reason today.

Southern republicans will vote for any candidate that has an R next to his name and uses the words “Jesus Christ” often. Apparently even the safety and well being of children is of little importance.

After the first allegations were reported, I predicted Moore would win if he didn't drop out. Southerners continue to resent Democrats for the passage of the Civil and Voting Rights Acts. Nixon's Strategy remains in play.

From my point of view sexual allegations generally don’t matter to people when it comes to famous people they like or politicians they like because they either don’t care or believe the allegations are false. When it comes to rape, people generally don’t believe the accuser unless there’s a lot of evidence. A lot of people for some reason believe that there are people who are willing and ready to lie about rape for a political agenda or rape.

Good Post 👍👍👍


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