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in politics •  7 years ago 

Politics of Fear

Anyone remember The Dead Zone scene where Martin Sheen as President of the United States more or less 'presses the button,' and launches nukes? Yeah, that was during the Reagan administration, and as a young kid I still remember my liberal parents lamenting the fact that he was president because the media kept portraying him as having his 'finger on the button,' and how dangerous that was. Jimmy Carter called Reagan a warmonger in 1980, Lyndon B. Johnson's famous "daisy girl" ad in 1964 warned of nuclear war if Barry Goldwater was elected, and John Kerry and the mainstream media did the same thing with George W. Bush when the constantly referred to him as a warmongering "cowboy."


The liberal mainstream media, entertainment industry, and education system are constantly attempting to scare the shit out of everyone regarding the Republican party. For instance, since 95% of blacks vote Democrat in every election, it is especially important for the 'left' to continually frighten them so as to get a large voter turnout. This is why Halle Berry does a commercial showing forced segregation at a restaurant, or why Joe Biden during the 2012 election unbelievably told his black base that the Republicans wanted to, "put you all back in chains." If they were ever to lose this monopoly, then they would never win another election.


Al Gore once said that seniors would not be able to afford their prescription drugs if George W. Bush were elected. Remember 'The War On Women?' What a bunch of nonsense that was! The Republicans had Sarah Palin as their Vice Presidential candidate at the time! The Democrats had two men running for President and Vice President! How about the constant fear of 'stacking the court' in relation to Republican Supreme Court nominees, and that this would lead to the revoking of Roe v Wade, and thus "back alley abortions?" Hey, remember when Cameron Diaz stunningly said, "If you think rape should be legal, then don't vote." This was in regards to the so called 'rape culture,' which the 'left' is still stoking the flames of.


How many of you have been told that, if in control, the Republicans would reinstitute the draft? Did you know that The Universal National Service Act of 2003, which called for a draft, was proposed by Democrat Charles Rangel? Did you know that Democrats Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson all imposed drafts? In fact, the Democrat party has been behind most drafts in this country.

I could literally go on for pages and pages here, but you get the point. Don't believe the hype, and like Thomas Jefferson said, use a "healthy dose of skepticism" when listening to these liberal dominated institutions. The 'left' lies. You know why? Because they have to. If they played fair and were honest with the American people, the Democrat party would never win another election.


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