Politics (still) makes people stupid

in politics •  4 years ago 


Politics makes people stupid.

So stupid, in fact, that those engaging in politics can't tell the difference between their old run-of-the-mill obsolete "left vs right", "your side is killing us all" politics and warning people of the dangers of engaging in politics while refusing to engage in politics yourself.

Those are not the same things.

If warning people of the dangers of engaging in politics is politics, then-- to paraphrase a saying from another sphere-- not collecting stamps is a hobby.

They can do what they want. They don't even have to care how stupid it makes them look (or, actually become). It's their life; their choice, but the facts remain the same. They'd be smarter if they paid attention to the facts instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to being called out for ignoring them. No one can force self-awareness on them.

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Don't insult ma politics, you damn yankee

i used to collect stamps
back when they were beautiful works of art.
Now they are all multicolored thingies that are a dime a dozen (no rarity)

So, now, not collecting stamps is one of my hobbies.

Is discussing the civil war we are in stupid making?

"Is discussing the civil war we are in stupid making?"

I've seen people discussing this new civil war (actually, this is the first civil war) intelligently and I've seen them discussing it stupidly.
Stupid/political: "Police are racist!"
Intelligent/apolitical: "Police are an aggressive gang which violates everyone to some degree. It's not about race; it's about police."