Yahoo continues with their extremely biased set of featured articles

in politics •  yesterday 

...and I am not complaining about this because this is expected of Yahoo who has shown time and time again that they are very left-leaning and really don't have a big following anyway. Yahoo is one of those companies who had it all and blew it and now they struggle for relevancy. I only go there in order to see how the floundering company is still managing to stay above water and it seems as though they have completely embraced being a left-wing source of mostly propaganda. If anyone out there was actually entrusting Yahoo to inform them about what is going on in the world that person would be well and truly brainwashed. If you look at any of the comment sections you can see that this is precisely what has happened to the few people that go there for their news because the discussion isn't really a discussion, it is the very definition of an echo chamber and no, I am not suggesting that the right doesn't do this as well. They certainly do.

Yahoo is just funnier to me because even if it is their puff-pieces, it is all skewed towards just one side and their main topics as you would expect are Trump BAD! Kamala GOOD! Elon BAD! Economy is really good right now!

Then of course they try to downplay any accomplishment that any conservative has made and completely omit any bad things that happen to or are done by any liberal.


How this company manages to hang on is anyone's guess and their "news" portion of their website is mostly an aggregate with very little in the way of actual reporting on their own part.

I was not at all surprised to see that all the articles about Trump were done in a negative light.


The only reason why this is even a news piece is because of a statement made during the 1 debate with Kamala where she said that people were leaving his rallies before he was finished speaking and of course Trump denied that this is the case. He responded with something along the lines of "nobody goes to your rallies because there is no reason to." Well, when I see articles such as the above I can't help but feel as though the media will take a Harris statement and then go out and try to make it true. They were able to find some people that were leaving a rally and then found someone that said that after seeing the rally that she is going to vote for Harris because she is sick and tired of Trump insulting people. I doubt that this supposed person actually exists but if they do and something like that would encourage you to switch and vote for a person who has nothing in common with your supposed party's beliefs, then you are a moron and are voting for the wrong reasons.


Then we have things like this and I always find these electoral college tally predictions to be wildly amusing because everyone's predictions are wildly different. In a race this close it is assumed that one poll is going to have slightly different results than another but 66 point victory? Who is this "data scientist" anyway and you know what? It doesn't matter because I feel as though these polls have almost always been wrong anyway and the various news outlets such as Yahoo are only ever going to talk about the ones that are in the direction they want it to be in anyway.


This one is just stupid and that is presumed anytime that "The Daily Beast" appears next to any article.


The vitriol and absolute madness that TDS inspires can be amusing if you allow it to be. I have never heard of this publication but honestly, we are going to devote an entire article dismantling a photo that most would assume was AI generated anyway? If someone actually would believe that Trump has the time to go and wade through flood waters they are either retarded, joking, or simply trying to pull a 4chan and convince people that they actually do believe it when it was them that created the image in the first place. The article goes on to talk about how the effort to censor the image have failed and it received 10,000 likes on the original. Ok, first off, 10,000 likes isn't that much in the grand scheme of things and secondly, nobody should be celebrating the existence of censorship, yet these clowns seem to be foaming at the mouth for it when it benefits them in some way.

Getting this worked up over an image or a meme is ridiculous but hell, that is the world of politics right now.


Then there is the fact check section which as you would expect, only fact checks one side.

Yahoo is a joke and if I ever found someone that took the information there seriously I would know that this is the kind of person that I would be incapable of being friends with. It isn't just because they are clearly left-leaning either. Almost all of the articles they feature in there are simply op-ed pieces that contain spurious statistics if they even bother to have them at all. I will once again encourage people to not allow their devices to gather or create an algorithm about them and instead, maybe get an idea about what you want to know about from memes and then go to a site like Allsides to see well, all sides of a discussion written by a left-leaning, a right-leaning, and a centrist point of view.

Or just continue to be brainwashed and live in your echo chamber. It's up to you!


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