Simple serious question: What has Donald Trump actually done wrong?

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

We hear about bad Trump everywhere in the media. I have a serious question for you.

What has he actually done wrong?

I am not talking about stupid things he said. We've had Presidents, politicians, etc saying some dumb things throughout history. He may put his foot in it a bit more than some others and everything is HUGE, but those are words.

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What has he actually done wrong that we actually have evidence of?

I know there have been a lot of claims, but there hasn't been a shred of evidence as far as I know on any of it. That is why I am asking.

I am not writing this post to endorse or attack anyone. I am asking a serious question.

I've seen a great many claims. I haven't seen any actual evidence. I've also seen cries to impeach him. Yet what are the grounds for impeachment?

It can't be the recent Washington Post thing about laptop bombs and talking to Russia about them. That is legal for the president to do, and they do that stuff frequently. Unless your name happens to be Trump. Let's say that wasn't the case.

It wasn't really classified since tons of news outlets had run stories about laptop bombs BEFORE that meeting ever happened. So Washington Post says something that they were excited about because it gave them a ratings spike. Yet they were passing off a story that had been in the news as though Trump talking about the same thing to Russia was leaking classified information. That is grounds for impeachment?

Now let's talk about both parties. Let's talk about the warhawks John "Insane" McCain, and Nancy Pelosi. These are two people that were not happy about any attempts at PEACE or working with Russia, Syria or anyone else. Do you want to know when they were both happy and almost dancing? When Trump ordered the missiles fired into Syria after the gassing that needed some serious investigating. They were happy. They want war. They thrive on it. If he'll give them war they will back him, if he will not they will attack him.

So why are we trying to resurrect the cold war anyway? If someone talks to Russia since when did that become bad? Do you suddenly hate Russians? Are we going to have a modern day Red Scare/McCarthyism and let history repeat?

Yet I asked many things that had nothing to do with my question. What has trump actually done wrong that we have evidence of? Please don't tell me he said words. We need actual actions. Words are meaningless until they are backed by action.

Also... for those that don't know... I voted third party anywhere I had such a choice. I would do so again. Though the bashing of Trump with no evidence (unless you can point me to it) and constant media barrage has me wishing at times I had voted for him.

If you do know of something and can point me to the evidence I'd really like to know. All I've seen so far is speculations, made up things, and people freaking out over words. These things are not impeachable offenses. So if you want to impeach him, point me at some evidence.

EDIT: I've gotten a lot of answers to questions I didn't ask. I'd still like to know the answer. People are telling me what I mostly know myself. I've found no evidence. I've heard there is evidence, but that is all words. I've seen no evidence. Often the evidence involves things that are not even a crime anyway. However, I don't know everything so I asked hoping for a serious answer. Please if you have one don't be frightened away by the people talking about how RIGHT he is. If you have evidence or know where it can be found I'd like to know. However, I am heading to bed now so if you do respond I likely won't see it until sometime tomorrow.

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President Trump has done too many great things in a very short space of time. The huge bout of winning has triggered the incompetent Democrats and their sycophant mainstream media acolytes.

The haters are upset because Trump is winning, and he keeps winning for Americans! Record job creations, unemployment at 38 year lows, massive investment in US economy, consumer confidence up bigly!

It's too much winning and the butthurt losers in Hollywood and Washington DC can't cope!👌🐸

Too bad this is all still Obama-time results. Economic results of policy take at least a year.

You're getting upset because President Trump sent the stockmarket to record highs, and consumer and business confidence?

Also, brain surgeon Ben Carson finds $500B hole in HUD funding!

And illegal border crossing have already dropped by a massive 70%!

This is all fantastic winning by President Trump!👌

LOL. Please tell me where I am upset - or even why I should be upset about a roaring stock market. In fact commentors on the German DAX, which also is at record high, say it is despite Trump not because. But I don't care what they say anyway I just like their fairy tails, like they always have to find something as a reason which can be hilarious.

No, it is a simple statement, not about fake news, but about TRUTH that any economic measure takes month to show up in statistics (asides from the stock market which is speculation not economy) .

Maybe you are angry that Obama made some things right?

Employment data is economic measure. That's fact.

Consumer and business confidence data is at record highs. Thats fact.

Jobless claims are at 40 year lows.

A 70% drop in illegals means a safer America, less crime, less drugs, better services for Americans, and higher wages for Americans.

Your denial of facts is clear evidence you are getting epic Trump butthurt!👌🐸😂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Did I ever say your facts are alternative facts?

The point is that TODAYS data says nothing about TODAYS policy.

Wait for the end of the year and look at those numbers and maybe by then you can attribute them to the president (which would be overestimating the influence any president in a democracy can have on economy btw.)

The current data is directly attributable to President Trump's policies. In particular, business investment and confidence, manufacting surge, jobless claims, and stockmarket reaction!👌🐸🤗

The negative effects of the Obama economy kicked in quicker then a year. Obama did nothing to ease over regulation on business. I respectfully but strongly disagree. Obama policy did not bring apple back to the USA. Obama policy did not give tens of thousands of employee's bonus checks. Obama policy did not cause the stock market to start its amazing rise starting the very day that Donald Trump won the election. No my friend, You are greatly mistaken in my opinion.

That may be. I prefer facts over opinion. And I don't mean alternative facts.

And if you come with bonus checks, how about those thousands that get fired now, because thanks to the presidential present the company replaces workers with expensive machines?

Which negative effects do you mean? Obama started in 2009. When he left 8 years later, the stock price had more then doubled and unemployment plummeted.

In contrast, it took Trump only a big speech (adress to the nation or how do you call it?) to create the biggest stock price drop in several years.

Now that is impressive power!

That may or may not be true. I see a lot of that type of back and forth. I don't really want to know who is or is not butt hurt because we see that.

Thus why my questions was serious.

What has he actually done wrong that there is evidence of?

I am hoping someone who is against him has an answer. I've yet to see one. Just speculations, and people reacting to speculations as though they are fact.

What I posted can be verified by independent research of government statistics. President Trump is already delivering bigly! This is irrefutable fact!

And the Democrats are incompetent losers who did enormous harm to all Americans, but most damage was done to America's poorest. This is also another fact!

The incontrovertible truth cannot change, no matter how hard the butthurt Democrats try and spin it!

Yeah, but I've already seen that.

So my question for them still stands.

You were just given the facts. This is the incontrovertible truth. Pretending you need more facts doesn't change this. The truth is the truth! Barack Obama and the incompetent Democrats did enormous harm to America and the world.

That doesn't answer my question.

I didn't ask what he did right.

I asked what he did wrong.

No one has provided me that answer. So you are providing facts to a different question.


This is not needed. It doesn't help to try to ram things down people's minds like you are the only one with wisdom and a brain. It certainly is controvertable or it'd be clear.

Yet I am not one that is ATTACKING anything you shared. It didn't have anything to do with the question I asked. Had I asked what he has done right then that information would be relevant.

I haven't seen anything with evidence that he has done wrong. They call for impeachment, yet I haven't seen grounds for impeachment. How much you do right does not negate crimes. Yet I've seen no crimes. So I am asking what are they? What is the evidence?

Because she is a liar! We don't need liars in power. It's not about her sexual preferences, it's about Jan Schakowsky lying to the voter, deceiveing the public, getting compromised, and betraying Americans.

Go back and READ. I didn't disagree with that. I questioned why you felt the need to mention she is a Lesbian. Being a Lesbian doesn't have anything to do with being a liar. The rest I get.

My question wasn't what has he done right.

I want to know what there is evidence for that he has done wrong... I haven't seen any.

He hasn't done anything illegal. Even if he did what they accused him of it's still not illegal. Why are they looking into podestas ties to Russia. He works at WaPo now.

The incontrovertible truth cannot change, no matter how hard the butthurt Democrats try and spin it!

I don't deal in absolutes. If they can provide actual evidence and it can be verified then the truth can change. Truth changes all of the time. FACTS do not. Truth and FACTS are not the same thing. Truth is just what people believe based upon what they know. FACTS are the same regardless of belief.

So I'm curious to see if they can manifest in facts. I am skeptical that they can, but I thought I should ask just to be on the safe side. I am often wrong. I am not stubborn and locked saying NOTHING, NEVER, ALWAYS, etc. I am stubborn about absolutes... I have a pet peeve against the use of absolutes as they are ALMOST always false. Just takes one case they are wrong for an absolute to crumble. I am also not a Democrat... I am also not a Republican.

I'm a human. So I ask the question. You've provided information, yet it is information I knew. I'm waiting to see evidence of wrong doing.

And the butthurt Democrats are getting tangled up in all sorts of corruption!

What's in Debbie Wasserman Schultz's laptop and why is she trying to obstruct justice?

Another Narrative Collapse: Impeach Trump They Shouted, Obstruction Of Justice! — Steemit

The truth is very embarrassing for corrupt Democrats and more and more embarrassing facts emerge.

Yep. I know that too. Know about Seth Rich. I despise Hillary and would have voted for anyone before her, even a random person off the street. I know too much about her.

Yet that still has nothing to do with my question.

Where is the proof of wrongdoing and for what?

Simple, there is no proof. The lying Democrats and satanic pedophiles are making up lies to attack President Trump.

This is very probable. I tend to believe this may be the case.

However, I know I can be wrong, and so can you.

So I asked the question.

If they answer, I'll look into it. If it is actually factual it might change my mind.

So far the only people that have responded (like yourself) are people that know the same things I do and have come to many of the same conclusions.

So I cast out a question waiting to see if I'd get a serious answer to that question.

Though even if they are out there... I doubt they'd answer now. You guys are like a beaver slapping it's tail on the water while I'm trying to fish.

No fish are going to come here now.

How about saying Qatar supports terrorists, and then selling them weapons?

Yep, I agree that is wrong. Not something they can impeach him for, but it is still wrong, and this isn't exactly anything new either. Sadly that seems to be status quo with Presidents, say one thing ESPECIALLY while campaigning, and do the opposite or at least something different once president. Surprisingly he has been truer to his campaign words than most, but for many people that is not a good thing as they were terrified by his campaign words.

If you can look to my last post, you can see what he has done. :) Very good post by the way!!

Heh, I wrote this post 9 months ago. I do think he has done some things wrong since then. Not unusually so, but still there.

I didn't vote for him. At the moment I would.

He may have allegedly committed a crime...obstructing justice. This obstruction may have allegedly occurred during an investigation into something that likely isn't a crime. The focus on the alleged obstruction is probably due to the fact that there actually isn't any evidence of an actual crime being committed.

It's easy to say "there is evidence." It's another thing entirely to prove that there actually is evidence and that this evidence proves a crime was committed.

I'm no fan of government and politics, but this Trump stuff is mostly just sour grapes and absolutely ridiculous drama. Democrats are pretty much unhinged these days. They should settle down. The Republicans are very capable of shooting themselves in the foot. Just give them a few more months. The hammers are already cocked and they're currently taking aim.

It's easy to say "there is evidence." It's another thing entirely to prove that there actually is evidence and that this evidence proves a crime was committed.

That is what I am seeing mostly too. I'd like to see this evidence and something that is more than news opinion pieces that end up having no substance and be primarily geared to riling people up.

What he did wrong:

He has tried to force our country into doing things that are illegal several times with his border law.

He allegedly conspired with the Russians to rig the election.

He fired Comey for illegal reasons, which was to get the investigation removed from one of his buddies using his presidential power... Which is also illegal.

The list of things Trump does that is illegal goes on.

What about Trump University?

Does doing things that are blatantly illegal = wrong?

OK I read the rest of your post... No I do not think there is a ton of evidence yet. Only speculation.

That was my conclusion as well. I was hoping by asking the question someone might have some, but part way through replying to people last night I realized something. Consider it a DUH moment.

With how anti-Trump the media is if such evidence had been brought to light they would be ALL over ti and all of us would have heard about it by now.


To answer your question. It's not what he did but may have done. It's becoming apparent that the people around him tried to cash in with Russia. I wouldn't call them traitors because these people have no interest in patriotism - they only care about putting money into their bank accounts. They will sell out their country if it benefits them. What the hearings are about is how far up does this go in the Trump chain?

It's becoming apparent that the people around him tried to cash in with Russia.

I've seen little evidence of it.

I have seen proof of that from Podesta, Hillary, and even Obama.

Though if that evidence exists I'd like to see it.

What proof that Podesta, Hillary, and Obama colluded with the Russians? Why? I would love to see a source on that. Now - unless you are talking about the DNC and the rigged elections or primaries for Hillary, but that had nothing to do with Russia.

You have Manafort and Flynn being used by the Russians - and that is a for sure deal. So what these hearings are about is just how involved was the Trump campaign with the Russians.

Most recent I've dound on this was:

Though you can google it and if you can wade through the maze of noise you can do your own research. It is not really for me to tell you as usually people will then just resort to ad hominems and attack the source.

If you want to pay me $120/hour I'll research it for you. Until that point all I can do is the same thing I am asking for others. Point you in a direction to start your own research.

There is a lot of noise out there. So it sometimes takes some digging to get past the bias on mainstream media AND alternative sites. Finding a true journalist these days is tough, so really you just have to find as many opposing views as you can and see where they overlap.

Haven't read the other replies, but a pattern of obstruction of justice, as noted by James Comey on repeated occasions. He only needs to be guilty of one instance of obstruction of justice to justify impeachment.

Off the top of my head:
-firing Comey while he was running an investigation into Trump's campaign.
-saying publicly that he fired Comey for the Russia investigation
-asking Comey to let an investigation on Michael Flynn's Russia ties go

Add in sharing codeword level intelligence shared with us from Israel and jeopardizing not only our own agents, but future information we would receive from allies. I think something like this, while not technically a crime because the president can legally declassify information, proves Trump is mentally unfit to be president, and there is a stipulation to remove such a president from office in the constitution.


I think that most news outlets are entering a dark age. Donald Trump is a media sensation, bigger than even the Kardashians. His brand is being manipulated by partisan writers on both sides to acquire as much ad revenue as possible. I've done writing on the side, selling individual articles, and many competitors would simply write political speculation that has no merit or evidence as you said.

I don't have the time right now to discover what evidence exists for other things Trump has done, but the existence of speculation for money significantly dilutes the capacity for valid news to reach people.

However, even if we are trying to consider what news is valid, what sources are legitimate, and what is the best objective perspective, social media has taken a role in delivering news to people based on their personal interests. This excludes objectivity and merely provides biased articles which appeal to the individual the most in order to obtain as many clicks as possible.

We won't see a change in the way media performs until more people stop clicking and start to question why the source of their news always seems to pander to their thoughts.

Or perhaps they come like some of us and take news from many sources, but think for ourselves and use those moments simply as a chance to question.

I don't watch the news for someone to tell me how I should think. I watch so I can hear things that I might otherwise have known about. Then I attempt to research on my own. It can be a muddy thing, but most journalism today is purely op eds. It is opinion rather than Journalism.

I've known some great journalists on the internet. They actually presented facts without trying to lead you to a conclusion or telling you what you should believe. One of my favorites is Ben Swann. He was silenced, censored, and basically scrubbed from the web when he had the gal to do a piece on Pizzagate. He didn't even say it was real. He simply said that no actual investigation had been done and that based upon the FBIs own training materials there was at least enough there to warrant investigating it before dismissing it. He was very unbiased about it. You could tell he knew there might be nothing to it. Yet that was enough to scrub him.

The world is a mess. Not just the U.S. The media is a big part of the problem, and I do think it could be because it is too fixated on ratings rather than doing what they should be doing.

agreed.... i rarely believe any one news source for my news. i usually watch several news sources daily. i am smart enough to know which way they slant biased(liberal, conservative, neutral) I find that the majority of mainstream media is slanted with a liberal bias, with a smaller percentage being slanted on a conservative bias, and an even smaller, almost non existant neutral bias(i think this is directly due to their being less available ad revinue allocated for the actual truth). I watch a segment of CNN, Bloomberg, Fox, CNBC, each on a daily basis. i also read many news sources online daily.. While i do primarily to make informed investing choices, i also do so because as an individual you should never just take one news source's word as the truth... it is always on a skewed version of events. but by taking several differently sourced stories you can generally find the kernel of truth away from the actual event. America as a whole has become sheep. simply following the herd, not thinking on their own, not asking the questions......there should always be questions! If you do not question the actions of your governing bodies then you are already a slave to it....

His Twitter posts are actually his opinion. People seem to believe that if you're the president of US you can't have a personal opinion?

Politics are great aren't they? :D

Sorry, but as a president you don't have a personal opinion. That may be wrong, but it is reality.
And as in most cases Trump is ignoring this reality.

But well, at least his tweets are always a source for fun. Sarcastic fun.

Yeah... I want people to learn the difference. Even if it is his opinion. He can say "I am going to have NASA build a ladder to the moon. It will be great. It will be huge. I'll make Russia pay for it." Guess what? Those are words. Until there are actual actions they are meaningless.

The land of the brave is full of people afraid of their own shadows and of words. Until those words are backed by actions they are not worthy of fear.

Even then they shouldn't be met with panic and uncontrolled emotion. They should be met with REASON and dealt with appropriately. Until there are actual actions though all they are is WORDS.

Actions speak louder, as always!

They should. Yet this last election cycle and the treatment of Trump seems to be trying to flip that on its head.

I have to say I totally feel the same way. I did NOT support Trump. I'm almost embarrassed that I have been defending him on facebook and youtube. I see not much he's done wrong. Nothing criminal anyway, although I disagree with the bombings in Syria... Thanks for validating my opinion. Sometimes I feel like the lone wolf in the forest.

I don't like Trump, but I also don't like people being unjustly attacked. Even if I don't like them. That is the key. This is totally obviously lopsided and a clear attack. It is throwing the dart, missing, throwing the dart again. That is not much different than a bully tossing darts at a person walking down the hall and missing, and trying again.

Find some justification AND THEN attack. Don't attack and then LOOK FOR JUSTIFICATION.

Have we, as Americans, forgetten our sixth ammendment rights?? " The 6th Amendment in the American Constitution guarantees an individual the right to a fair, speedy, and public trial. The 6th Amendment also enables an individual to have legal assistance, regardless of the charge, and the right to confront adverse witnesses and notice of accusations. These rights are given to all men or women under trial for any sort of wrongdoing. They establish the “innocent until proven guilty” mantra that is present in the United States legal system. " it seems to me as though a great majority are forgetting them in haste, as they allow their personal feelings about the president "trump" his 6th ammendment rights. Until someone can show proof of EVIDENCE that is not circumstantial in nature, the President is innocent of any crime... I think we can all say with a certain degree of educated thought, that this is simply a ploy being brought by the Democratic party to hinder the president's administration. The Democrats have moved too far to the left to regain control and currently have no plan as how they regain it. Their lack of immagination, or perhaps their refusal to return a little closer to the center, keeps them from turning things around. It would actually serve them better to stop attacking the President and his administration and debate congress and senate on the issues they disagree upon. It will help them down the road if the presidents policies do not work. they will at least have the ability to say we tried to work with the moment they do not even have that going for them.

They have raped and kicked the 6th amendment to the curb long ago. How many people sit in jail for substantial periods of time before they get a trial?

There have been people in jail for a year+ with no trial.

just as an aside to your question. i liked the video, my favorite dan quayle moment. hilarious!!

Yeah back before the WWW took up and we were using the internet via Telnet, FTP, Archie, Gopher, etc. Those quayle clips were circulating back then. I had many a times with tears rolling down my face back then from watching that. You REALLY had to dig for good stuff back then, it was like a tricky treasure hunt. So it is not quite as impactful today as it was back then.

Bush Sr. " we had some sex" killed me! xD

It's not what Trump has done - I look at it as what the US citizen has done. I want to state that I never voted for Hillary or Trump nor did I vote for Obama. What's happening now is exactly what you'd expect by placing a businessman in government. We've heard this for 40 years that the USA needs a good businessman for a president.

Basically this is what we get. He will side with corporations before the people or workers, the economy over the environment, push for the Military Industrial Complex, ..... I don't see democrats or republicans as being any different, but the real question is why in a "Christian" nation we would prefer someone like Trump or Hillary as a president?

Yeah you have some points there.

The media usually force feeds us our choices for Republican or Democrat. Usually I think they are both candidates who will toe the line, so the media is fine with either. It is during the nominee process that you see this media attack crap occur to kill off candidates they don't want to be the nominee. "X is not electable". Sure he is not electable, because you won't let us know about him. You're telling us right there who we can/cannot vote for.

As to normal presidents.

How wise is it to continually have presidents that are trained to lie, and to represent their client even when the client is guilty?

What would you expect someone to do with those skills once they are president?

Yet that is a common type of president we elect. A skilled liar, I mean lawyer, and if they are charismatic that is better.

Yet who is their client? It is not the people.

I see the divisiveness in the USA like sports team worship. People have their favorite team and even when they are losers the fans will still support them. We gotta get past this conditioning - both parties are useless to the US citizen. Both parties work for the corporations and the corporate media just fills us with propaganda and continues to divide us.

The US citizen is so easily lead because they are lazy and they trust their Televisions more than their own mentality. A good example is Sanders pushes Single Payer and he's called a socialist, a commie, wants everyone on welfare,.... Less than a year later 67% of the USA want Single Payer like the rest of the civilized world. The sick part is the US citizen is so dumb about their own history that they don't know that Europe has all these benefits because of the USA. Look up FDR's Second Bill of Rights on YouTube. We would have had this 70 years ago if FDR hadn't died. What the USA did do though was apply FDR's ideals to Europe in the form of the Marshall Plan.

The thing is I am not rooting for either team.

Yet I am very very tired of the mainstream media pushing speculation and claims as though they are fact and the public at large often takes that speculation as though it was fact.

Opinions are not facts. All speculation is is opinion.

They could be factual, but without evidence all we can do is see them as opinion.

I ask questions about Trump because I can see how the bias is heavily slanted against him and people are treating speculation like fact.

They are treating people that say "we have evidence" as though that IS evidence. It is not actual evidence until it appears. Until then it is just words. I can tell you the sky is pink... that doesn't mean it is.

I really am no Trump follower. I despised Hillary, but there were other people running I didn't completely dislike. I also voted third party anywhere I had a choice.

My problem with Trump is the so obvious onslaught of bullshit attacks. There may be some legit stuff, but it is mixed in with so much bullshit it is hard to find it. ;)

. The sick part is the US citizen is so dumb about their own history that they don't know that Europe has all these benefits because of the USA.

I agree which is why I am wondering about all the war drums beating against Russia anyway...

People who don't know about McCarthyism ready to pursue it again.

Anti-Fascists claiming to be such that are acting 100% like the historical fascists they claim to be against.

Sanders promising free shit when there is no free. We pay for it by force in the form of taxation. People think because the government does it, it is free. The government can't do anything for free. All it really is, is stealing from other people to give you something.

History is interesting... there are a lot of mistakes made that we should learn from.

Yet history in schools are largely taught as propaganda. They rarely spin your own country as an evil place. A great book that is worth reading and an eye opener is "The Lies My Teacher told Me" It was written by a historian and teacher and the things they DIDN'T tell us about are pretty astonishing.

I voted for Trump, mainly because there was no other proper candidate running against him. Still, I believe his authorization to strike the Syrian air base was premature. There was no investigation into the identity of the perpetrators actually deploying the Sarin chemical attack and the US should not take its own initiative in attacking any sovereign country. Imagine if we were blamed for doing a similar action and some other foreign power arbitrarily attacks us without having done their due diligence or authorization from the UN. Otherwise I approve of what Trump is trying to accomplish.

Still, I believe his authorization to strike the Syrian air base was premature. There was no investigation into the identity of the perpetrators actually deploying the Sarin chemical attack and the US should not take its own initiative in attacking any sovereign country.

I agree. Not to mention the cleanup crews showed water trucks and people that were not dressed properly to deal with sarin. Water trucks would actually be more an indicator for Chlorine Gas.

Yes that was VERY premature. I also looked at John McCain and Nancy Pelosi happy and dancing over it, and that generally tells you it was not a good thing. They are both war mongers, so them being happy over such thins is generally a bad thing.

He still has a long way to go to match Obama's death count. Actually, in my mind that may be the only thing I'd consider a crime. Yet due to the increasing powers past presidents/congress have given the executive branch, I don't know that it was technically illegal. Perhaps not impeachable. Do I believe it was wrong? Definitely. It made zero sense for Assad to use gas, especially when things were starting to lean his way in terms of relations. It does make sense for it to be done and blamed on him (false flag) so that Trump comes back towards the perpetual war footing.

Exactly, the absolutely worst thing anyone can do is to blow up sarin containing weapons/containers. The resulting spread of contaminants would cause widespread death to the nearby population centers. There was no way any sarin was kept at that base. This also follows a couple of prior incidents where the rebels used chemical weapons and tried blaming Assad for its use.....which has been proven to be false flags as well. Also the reports of Russia being given advanced warning of the attack was seen as very controversial at the time with Russia's denial of it and the rebel attacks on the base soon after our missile bombardment made it very suspicious.

Well mate keep in mind all the details of the operation aren't public. It is almost always innacurate to question a military decision just because of how little credible information reaches us. Hell even the ones part of the operation don't know all the details and motives.

He has done nothing wrong legally. This is a witch hunt at the highest level. I don't believe they thought he would win. I don't think Trump thought he could win. There has been so much corruption going on so long. The crimes of the last 8 years against us all is horrible. The Obamas cost us all most 1 billion on vacations alone. Does Trump realize how deep the state goes? . TRUMP DRAIN THE SWAMP BEFORE YOU DROWN!
I've never seen such disrespect by my fellow Americans. He won fair and not because of Russia, because Hillary would end America The 20 something s have no idea what America was like. How we want it to be again. Safe, energized, moral, hardworking real people. I've gone off subject.
I am afraid for us all if we don't pull together as a country United we stand, divided we fall.

What Trump has done wrong is be born,
a white, rich, male.

And this election time, it was team woman or team peace (err, team free stuff). So Chump is against everything these groups stand for. (which ain't much)

The MSmockingbirdM is trying break this country apart, and start a civil war, and if they can WWIII (but that will have to wait for the pay-per-view.) So, the MSM is going about trying to belittle one side, while making the other side into victims. This ends with both sides being filled with rage.

And this was all deliberate and planned. Every MSM outlet is in lock step.

Yes, that's pretty much the gist of it. The deep state is out of control and President Trump is fighting hard to drain the filthy swamp.

I actually believe this is likely the case.

Which is why I asked the question.

I'd like to see a serious answer. A serious answer to my question won't come from people like you and I.

We've seen no actual evidence of wrong doing.

We've seen the media go into a meltdown when their chosen one was not elected. It was a sudden failure of the propaganda arm and they went into a foolish paniced lash out everywhere.

That hasn't stopped.

Yet, giving the benefit of the doubt I asked about the evidence and wrong doing.

There were two reasons I did this:

  1. If there is such information I'd really like to know.
  2. If enough people seriously try to answer and when they try they can't answer then perhaps some people will open their damn eyes. :)

I think you and I both would like #2.

I just stick to truth telling and facts. 👌

Media and the Deep State are attacking President Trump because they know they are all going to jail.

Some of them definitely need to go to jail, but they've been attacking him for longer than that.

Though some of the recent things about them going to jail related to Seth Rich are speculation as the evidence for some of the claims for that hasn't come out yet. Do I think it is highly probable Seth was another Hillary related death? Yes, it seems likely. Yet, some of the other things such as it will impact 1/3rd of Congress if that information comes out is guessing and speculation at this point as the information is not OUT. So making big statements based on no evidence is not the exclusive province of the Democrats.

Well congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, who is married to Bob Creamer, is a lesbian who has been compromised by Turkish intelligence. How she isn't in prison already defies belief.

Note the common thread here. Obama is from Chicago as well. The swamp in Chicago is the murkiest.

The Chicago swamp is pretty murky, so is the NY Swamp, and quite a few other places. It's like a plague it is ALL over the place.

I could care less if she is a Lesbian. Has nothing to do with me. She can have sex with sheep if she wants. That still would have zero effect on me.

I do care about corruption though.

She has been compromised!

It's a bit like the Pakistani brothers who were blackmailing half of the Democrats.

Both Republicans and Democrats are involved in #PedoGate. I just want all of this malfeasance exposed.

I think you are onto something.

Yet that is still not legally wrong or grounds for impeachment. It isn't even proof of failure to perform his duties.

So while I get all of this. I said it was a serious question.

I want to know the actual things he did wrong and what evidence there is that can be verified. I'll actually go check and try to find out about it if there is any.

My suspicions are that there isn't any. Yet I am asking so I don't come across as a stubborn know it all that will never consider I could be wrong. For this reason I ask the question.

If someone answers I'll take it seriously and try to find out.

I've been told what he did right, and about what other people have done, and about the motivations that are most likely for why they are really attacking him. I don't disagree with that. Yet I'd still like to know the answer to my question. Everyone that responded so far is clearly in the same boat as me and hasn't actually heard any crime or evidence.

There is nothing that he has done that another president hasn't done.

This is all a show. The MSmockingbirdM, and all the clowns at the political party.

Democrats have always been itching to impeach a republican pres. They feel it is their duty to win in any way possible. If they win then they can make the laws that make the world a better place. No guns. Cats and dogs sleeping together. Utopia is just around the corner.

My friend from the east coast tells that every city counsel session always had a item on the docket, how to impeach Bush.

There is no one left to pull the reigns in on these snowflakes. In fact, they are being whipped into a frenzy.

I am 90% sure that Chump is a puppet. Too many things he has done in lock step with Agenda 2030.

The things that he did wrong were: win an election against the first woman president.

There is a good chance that is true. I am not omniscient. I don't know everything. Do you? If so, where is your temple?

So what you said is true as far as WE KNOW.

Thus, why I asked the question. If I already knew everything I wouldn't bother asking.

Yes, I know everything!
My temple is on the moon. That is where the astronauts went and why they couldn't film there.

In reality, what Chump is, is a thing to make everyone look at their dark side.
Instead of being dark behind the curtain like Hitlery, Chump is out in everyone's face. Whether Chump has done anything or not, what he has done is shine more light into the cesspool of DC than anyone else. Not really his doing, but his stunts and shenanigans have gotten a lot of people to start noticing.

I'll be curious to see if you get a serious answer as well. I was super wary of Trump when he was running and decided to research him more. The more I did the more I really came to like him. Playing the bigot card was a tacky move, and an example of gross generalizing. Certainly couldn't find and still can't find anything "wrong" that he's done.

I kind of doubt I'll get an answer, but I would like one. People attacking before we got someone to take the plunge may scare them off.

I mean how many people will honestly answer after reading some of these replies?

Perhaps they will be brave.

Then again I've looked and have seen no evidence, so I am a bit skeptical that there is any.

took part in actively perpetuating a violent system of statism.

they're all guilty of that tho lol :)

That is unfortunately legal. Not grounds for impeachment. That also would be true of everyone in office. I feel your sentiment, but that is not what I am asking for.

Great post, wrong is really an idea of moral quality and personal judgement. There is no wrong in Nature. So inevitably no, nothing has ever been "wrong" in the way we understand it. Beauty and uglyness are in the eyes of the beholders.

Well there is also a legal wrong... and in his position that does matter. So I'm looking for the answer to that. This is what is needed for grounds for impeachment.

I think the greatest "wrong" is him becoming president, despite not having a popular vote.

But that's not even a legal wrong, obviously. I think most people don't think of Trump as having comitted any one big crime, but rather, they just intensely dislike his policies and personality.

The question is this: If he was the same as he is now, but instead of rich and powerful, just a normal person, but with the same opinions, would you be his friend? A close, personal friend? Would you have beer with him? Or would you avoid him?

Many people would avoid him, and see him as a very sleazy person.

But his actual crimes? I've got no idea. I haven't heard of anything worthy of true scorn or fire.


I'm not into that stuff, but let's say he tried and tries to deny 24 millions of people from healthcare, essentially killing a lot of them, would be quite bad in my eyes.

He also made a record - killed more then 200 civilists in Syria in one month alone, many of them children. He even beat Russia in that month.

The whole Comey thing. I am not in the position to say if that is really the worst thing a president has done since Watergate like that judge, but it really is not important if it is worse or not.

Oh, speaking of Comey, that guy refused to throw journalists in jail as the president Trump wanted.

And nearly unimportant in comparison, the idiotic Muslim and electronics bans. Has not killed anyone so far afaik, but it already cost millions.

Hillary Clinton started and funded ISIS in Syria @lennstar. It was all instigated to orchestrate regime change. I'm surprised you blame Trump very quickly for 200 deaths, but ignore the refugee crisis, sickening rape epidemic engulfing Europe, and multitude of deaths caused by Qatar's $28 million bribe to crooked Hillary Clinton.

I blame Trump for those death because he is the Commander in Chief of the army who killed them.

ISIS existed before Hillary. They bloomed after the "defeat" of Al Kaida (which in turn only had 400 members when they attacked the World Trade Center)

The refugee crisis is the result of the US working against the Syrian president, who is a dictatorial autocrat but holded down ISIS more or less (because they threatened his powers).

The movement of the refugees to Europe is the simple result of "The West" to not pay 600 million Euro to the UN to pay for food in the shelters in and around Syria. The money run out and 2 month later 2 million Syrian refugees arrived at EU borders. Very surprisingly. Why didn't they just starve to death and solve the refugee problem themselves?

And regarding your rape epidemic: I guess that's same fox news alternative facts because I never heard of it and I live in the center of Europe.
For Germany the number of rapes in 2016 was indeed higher then 2015 - but lower then in 2012 and lower then in the 200X years.
Statistically speaking the influx of young male muslim immigrants has lowered the number of rapes per capita.
Which is of course Bullshit because that difference is just fluctuations.
That is especially true if you keep in mind that a high number of rapes are not going into the statistics because about 80% happen in Family/Friends.
Statistically speaking a girl is in more danger to be raped by her father then by any immigrant. Just mentioning.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Try checking @wikileaks. Hillary Clinton took a $28 million bribe from Qatar to execute regime change. Satanist George Soros printed Arabic pamphlets falsely telling Syrian refugees Europe would give them free housing.

Lastly, try using an internet search engine and the query 'European rape crisis!'

This is the mess crooked Hillary Clinton and incompetent Barack Obama left behind for President Trump to repair! The corrupt satanic Democrats brought the world untold misery!

Please, at least read what I write, OK? Did I ever say Hillary took no bribe or that regime change isn't the policy of the US since WWII (and they reason the US kicked out several democratic governments)?

falsely telling Syrian refugees Europe would give them free housing.
If you are an accepted refugeee - and fleeing from a war makes that - of course you get a roof over your head. O.o

And regarding your rape source: Yes, its likely correct that immigrants raped 160 woman. I would say more. But GERMANS ARE EVEN WORSE!!

Please, please, stop looking at single incidents and ignoring all the rest!
There are about 10.000 rapes reported to police every year - and happening maybe 50.000.
There are (statistically) also 160 rapes done by German-born police and judges. Do you hear about that rape crisis?

I'm not into that stuff, but let's say he tried and tries to deny 24 millions of people from healthcare, essentially killing a lot of them, would be quite bad in my eyes.

Obamacare hurt people in this country, including my family. It may have helped some others, but it is NOT the shining great thing that the media likes to spin it as. It has been quite bad for a lot of people.

It is also a law and a process and passing the laws is not a crime (perhaps should be, but if that were the case we'd throw most of congress in jail for many of their "laws"). So that is not really evidence, or impeachable. It is emotional based opinion.

He also made a record - killed more then 200 civilists in Syria in one month alone, many of them children. He even beat Russia in that month.

I'm not happy about that. Still has a long way to catch up to Obama's score. The big difference is Obama they tried to only say good things. Trump if they can bash how he blows his nose after sneezing they will.

The whole Comey thing. I am not in the position to say if that is really the worst thing a president has done since Watergate like that judge, but it really is not important if it is worse or not.

Also this was based off of a single twitter tweat. It didn't actually mean there WAS a tape/recording, and if there was it doesn't mean it hadn't become a normal thing, or that it had not been disclosed. It could have been a bluff or it could have been serious. It is also possible they informed people they were going to begin doing that due to the leaks from internal meetings that are often occurring almost immediately after the meeting. So there is not really EVIDENCE we can grab onto that, just a tweet, and reactions to that tweet which are usually a lot of speculation that the tweet actually does not necessarily support. People's imaginations can make up a lot of things. Could some of them be true? Yes. However, I see little evidence of that. Yet also keep in mind the CIA and NSA are also doing bulk recording of many things these days and with Vault 7 leaks we've learned that even some models of Samsung TVs the CIA could listen over. So at some point one should suspect they are being recorded... especially in those positions.

Oh, speaking of Comey, that guy refused to throw journalists in jail as the president Trump wanted.

There is a lot more to it than that. Comey has been questionable and dicey since before Trump even won the election. I watched Comey speaking to Congress several times and all I could do was shake my head.

And nearly unimportant in comparison, the idiotic Muslim and electronics bans. Has not killed anyone so far afaik, but it already cost millions.

Again. Not illegal. As far as the muslim ban. He used Obama's list. Obama actually acted on that list too, but the media made hardly a peep about it.

So that is not really evidence, or impeachable. It is emotional based opinion.

You asked what bad things he did, not what is impeachable or illegal ;) Or if Obama did the same.

And arguably Obamacare is only so bad (if at all) because the Republicans did their utmost to make it as bad as possible (and as a result unpassable).

Yeah you're not going to convince me on Obamacare. I was against it before it was implemented. What I thought it would cause it has caused. A lot of people with insurance (yes we have it) that the premiums are SO high that we can't actually afford to use it because there are still copays and deductibles and after those premiums we have no money to pay those. It has been GREAT for insurance companies, and big pharamceutical companies. It has been horrid for the rest of us. I lived in a poor family most of my life. We didn't have insurance 75% of my life. Yet we managed to go to the doctor.

That is far more difficult to do post Obamacare. It is NOT a good thing.

That doesn't mean what the Republicans would bring to the table would be better. It also doesn't mean it would be worse. Predicting the future is a fools errand.

You asked what bad things he did, not what is impeachable or illegal ;)

This is true I realized this. Yet most of it is all speculation based upon media spin with no actual evidence.

There is one WRONG/BAD thing I think he did.

The missile strike on Syria due to the alleged "sarin" gas attack which seems staged, and also not SARIN by the photos of the cleanup crew. If it was a gas it was most likely chlorine based upon the cleanup photos. The strike was called with no investigation. There was ZERO good Motive for Assad to have used gas, it made absolutely no sense. It did make sense as a false flag attack designed to get Trump to act as he did. The fact that Nancy Pelosi, and John McCain (Democrat and Republican) were both happy and joyous over it tells me it was a bad thing. They are both major war mongers. Note they are also in opposing parties. In reality, the parties don't generally mean shit in the U.S. It is generally more about whether you'll toe the line with the agenda or not, and the parties are just a way to keep the populace distracted and treating it like it is a sporting event with two teams.

The Syria missile strike was WRONG. It shouldn't have happened.

Can they impeach him over it? Due to the way past presidents and congress have kept extending the power of the president, not likely.

That is also not what the media chooses to focus on as a negative, but it is about the most negative thing he has ACTUALLY done. Instead they focus on speculation and allegations and try to treat their speculations as fact.

It'd be nice if we could get back to a world of reason where we treat speculation as Hypothesis/Imagination/Guessing and we expect to see evidence and proof before treating it as fact.

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I mean what has he not done wrong?

That isn't an answer. If you are going to impeach him you need to be specific and provide evidence? Emotional and vague responses don't mean much.

I've seriously looked for evidence and haven't found any. That's why I asked. Many of the things people talk about him doing wrong are things Obama and others have done the same thing, and apparently your name is the determining factor of whether it is right or wrong.

I am not a Trump supporter, but so far I've not seen the evidence. I've seen people for closing on 8 months say there is some, yet I've not seen any that manifested.

Probably just not appeal to Communists

Nothing. It's about the court of public opinion. It hampers how effective he is w/ congress. People on both sides wanted what his message was no matter how it was delivered. ACA- something done. Finance public and private. GDP/national debt. Education-something done. Jobs. Tax. Etc you name it both sides saw a need for something. Now we got nothing because we have lobbyists who gave candy bribes to 536 petty children incharge of the US rule of law.