I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I have to add a little bit:
While I do agree that goverments are always to blame, this "plague" the liberal left has spread is not limited to them. I'm brazilian, and this is exactly why I think that: While we did have left-leaning governments from 2002 up until last year, they weren't big on the "multiculturalism" agenda. But it has spread nonetheless - Every "educated", middle-class or higher young person has adopted this philosophy, and I think we have something else to blame for that: Post-modernism. As a thought philosophy, it has caused harm to all of us not only through governments, but also through everyday life. The idea that every form of everything is equally valid, unless it comes from "historically opressed groups", then it's worth way more, even if they have a lot of obvious problems, like the free acceptance of an unlimited number of muslim immigrants by many countries.
Luckily, it seems that the brazilian libertarian movement is the fastest growing in the world, and hopefully we can try to avoid extra harm being done by the government on that front.