America in recent times has slowly but surely fallen into corruption and contempt for its own constitution
You're an optimist .
If you read the barest amount of history you will discover that they corrupt politicians (but I repeat myself) were trying, and succeeding in getting around the constitution almost before the ink was dry.
The excuse for the War of Northern Agression was slavery. In a sense that was right in the form of states rights. The South wanted to leave the union. The North didn't want them too. Not allowing someone to come and go as they please is a form of slavery is it not?
Corruption is endemic to government.
as the old saying goes.
With power comes corruption.
with absolute power come absolute corruption.
The only cure in to minimize government.
As George Washington said.
'Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action'
Tenth amendment Ya'll