Obama's distorted and biased view of Israel.

in politics •  4 years ago 


One does not have to agree with everything in this article to conclude that the case against Obama has been made - a case that marks him as harboring a distorted and biased view in relation to Israel, one that I suspected all along for which I now find ample proof. It is a view that is based on ignorance or prejudice or both. And neither is excusable.

The writer, in fact, omits some additional considerations relating to the history.

  1. the original Jewish settlement was private, not the result of any state-enforced policy (quite the opposite at the end when the British sought to prevent any further immigration).

  2. If the original settlement had been by Moslems, opposition to it, then and now, would have been insignificant.

  3. though, no doubt, the Palestinians were victims during the War of Independence, the classification of all their descendants as refugees, receiving taxpayer funds from around the world, including funds going to terrorists' families, is unprecedented - a special UN agency exists solely for that purpose.

After WWII tens of millions of refugees (displaced persons in camps, migrants swarming across borders). Only the Palestinian refugees remain today. Furthermore, a greater number of Jews expelled from countries across the Middle East from centuries old ancestral homes, fled to Israel leaving without compensation at great cost and suffering.

Obama's clumsy rendering of the all too common double-standards together with the biases and distortions is revealing and profoundly disturbing. A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying volumes.

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