
in politics •  6 days ago  (edited)

DNN Wanker Interviews Kookaburra

DNN Wanker: Hokay, Kookaburra, for starters, one member in our audience is claiming that Americans can no longer afford food, and asks what kind of plan you might have to bring food prices back down to Earth?

Kookaburra: That's a good question and I'm glad you brought that up. Food is good for us and nourishes our bodies. I recommend food and eat it every day and in fact I recommend food and I recommend that people avoid eating some of the other things that people eat when food isn't available, grass, tree bark, sawdust and what not. There is an old army joke from the time of World War 1, a sergeant told the men in his squad that he had some good news, and some bad news...

"Let's have the bad news first."

"Okay, we're all out of potatoes and C rations and K rations and every normal kind of army food and all there is to eat is some horse manure from the stables..."

And the good news?"

"There isn't enough to go around..."

"See what I mean, you should always prefer food to horse manure and stuff like that, that stuff's nasty, heeheeheeheehawhawcacklecacklecackle..."

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