RE: Dangerous! Facebook says it's okay to sell our data

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Dangerous! Facebook says it's okay to sell our data

in politics •  7 years ago 

@felipejoys Great article. We should debate on this. Privacy of data are very important. Government can misuse the data as per their benefits. If I talk about my place from where I belong- India. Recently, everyone one was talking about Cambridge Analytica case. How facebook shared the information their users based upon the demography and other categories to strengthen some political party during election. Indian government registered case against Facebook CEO. He may visit to India for defending the case.
Its indeed that crowd manipulation is very much easier through Facebook and other similar social media platforms if they will not obey the laws for privacy. As well as government should strict the law of privacy.

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The problem is we accept their terms of agreement. While FB clearly states they can use our data in any way they want, we simply allow it. I barely login on FB nowadays... Big companies are getting more and more mediocre.

@felipejoys absolutely correct.