The Anarchist Potential of Labor Unions

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Labor unions have a polarizing reputation in America, with a tendency to pour vast sums of money into politics in pursuit of more central power and economic control. This is obviously opposed to the principles of anarchism. In addition, many unions are dedicated to government employees rather than the "victims of capitalist pigs who exploit the working class." But despite the corruption that permeates the trade unions of today, I think there are many good reasons to consider the union as a sound model to replace many government functions in a decentralized voluntary society.

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Health care

Why couldn't unions turn their collective bargaining to the task of getting high-quality, low-cost health insurance for union members? I know the tax system currently means employer-provided benefits aren't treated the same as paycheck income, but that is an artificial political issue rather than an inherent economic issue. And if a union is providing it as part of union dues, changing jobs is not a paperwork hassle with insurance.

In fact, our current insurance model is likely not the best solution. The mutual aid societies of the past could offer a better model than the corporate insurance cartels of today. And who knows, perhaps choice could result in innovations I can't even imagine once people are dedicated to finding new options other than government healthcare or corporate healthcare.

Pensions and Social Security

Retirement savings and investment is another need unions could address far better than the government. Imagine no need for 401k hassles when changing jobs, and much more direct accountability with no government financial shenanigans. And we are talking serious collective bargaining power here too.

Standards and Industry Regulations

For example, what if the tradesmen in construction set the building standards that union labor would guarantee, instead of relying on government-imposed building codes? This would add significant value to people who are deciding to begin a project. And in exchange for guaranteeing that measure of quality, the union rather than OSHA would dictate safety standards on the job site.

There are many ways I am sure the people in any given trade have a far better grasp of how things should be done correctly and safely, and there is no way bureaucrats can match that.

Your turn!

What systems presently corrupted by political plunder could be rehabilitated in a free society with voluntary association? How can unions better serve members to incentivize voluntary participation? When not in conflict with employers, how can they cooperate for mutual benefit?

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I'm a member of the UA (plumbers and pipefitters). I see it, more or less, as what a temp. service should be. I get my dues worth.

But do the dues always go to things you value?

No, I know the way it's set up NOW the national UA spends some of the dues on political agendas. It's a waste of money. But, $35 a month and they find me work, handle my benifits, provide training, materials, and the shop is open to me during buisness hrs. If i want to go in and practice on my own. Like I said, I'm getting my money's worth.

I hope this surge in anarchism/agorism/voluntaryism revives the reputation of labor unions. Before their co-option and corruption, they essentially functioned exactly as you described, viz. by pooling individual workers' disparate manpower to better negotiate wage rates, forming consensus about production standards and quality controls WITHOUT laws or regulations, and using community resources to manage risk and secure retirement savings without the need for bureaucratic oversight. If they hadn't been seduced by socialism, FDR, and the mob, they'd be still highly respected and might even be an acknowledged necessity of free market economies.