The Empire Strikes Back (And It's Deplorable)

in politics •  8 years ago 

The Empire Strikes Back,

And It's Deplorable !

A few clients have asked me previously: what do you think about the US Presidential Elections? My reply was, I honesty do not know who is going to win this thing but according to James O'Keeffe from Project Veritas, there is a whole lot of fraud and cheating going on by the part of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). However, I said that I thought whomever wins there is going to be some very upset people on the losing side. On the part of the Trump supporters, especially so if massive election fraud is proven. On the part of Hillary Clinton supporters, I opined you are going to see massive civil disobedience, rioting, shootings, the destruction of private property and a whole lot of mayhem because civil disobedience, fraud, race baiting, unruly protests and agitation has been their modus operandi so far. And so we now have it yet again.

As it turned out Trump of course did win the election, to the apparent surprise of many and to the chagrin of Democratic Party supporters. However, if anyone bothered to pay attention to turnout at the varied political rallies across the US, there really was not much of a surprise. Recent rantings claim the Democrats actually won the popular vote, but this is a bit difficult to square off considering citizen participation and attendance at campaign events. My only initial conclusion is that the popular vote numbers for Democrats were ticking up after polling stations were closed due to ballot box stuffing and or other shenanigans. What else could it be? During the day, in live time, voters were watching their vote being changed before their own eyes at many of the voting machines. And as well, while they say you cannot live forever apparently you can when it comes to voting in elections, as this campaign has witnessed an unprecedented number of deceased casting a ballot. It does not make sense or square off. I like balanced equations and all this does not balance.

But here is the thing. I have never in my adult life seen such political divide demonstrated by the American population. Sure it has always been true that many people are passionate about their political leanings or opinions. But resorting to physical violence, cheating, fraud, and even theft of political signs off the lawns of private homes is something I have never witnessed before in my entire adult life. Many people have opined (including myself) that the United States has become a Third World country in terms of it's economy and finances, but I never thought it would deteriorate to such a point that it would be politically and socially as well. I guess I should not be surprised but I am always hopeful people will do the right thing when it comes down to the wire, but never say never is the old saying.

In terms of writing articles and helping clients, I have always been a huge fan of statistics and trends. And that includes observations regarding people. Regardless if we are talking about finances, politics or whatever else, everything involved one way or another is human directed. Plus as I have said many times before, people lie but statistics do not. So, what can I say about my own observations regarding this recent election and the aftermath?

Well, my own conclusions are after looking at the statistics, news clips, news reporting and video blogs is that the Trump supporters are very much so comprised of the average, quiet, law abiding middle class in America. All you need to do is observe the kinds of people attending political rallies, how they speak when being interviewed by reporters and their general demeanor. These people are not thugs, hoodlums nor social deviants. They wait in line quietly, peacefully for hours even though they might not get inside to see their candidate speak. They do not fit the profile of the kind of person most likely to do harm, destroy private property nor throw Molotov cocktails at the police. They are for the most the silent majority that went along in the past because they thought it was the correct and respectful thing to do, and now they are fed up. But even though they were angry, disappointed and disillusioned about a number of things, they did not act out violently. They voted their conscience (oh, what a shock!). For this reason, I originally thought even if their candidate lost, while disappointed there would be no breaking of store owner windows, burning of cars or other such nonsense. However, and on the other hand, I suspected a loss for the Democratic party would result in mayhem and so it is. The question is why?

I am of the opinion that in terms of ideas, if something is worthwhile, logical and beneficial on it's own merit that people will support or adopt it. If not, then they will peacefully ignore or reject it. However, I have come to observe over the years that ideas or tendencies that relate to more leftist ideologies or socialism more often than not are manifested through violence. And I have come to observe that anyone wishing to promote such policies usually engages the poor and uneducated as their radical rock throwing protesters (or in this current case, the Millennial generation), promising them a utopia on earth but delivering something else (see Venezuela as a recent example). In terms of the sales pitch, everyone loves free stuff do they not? It is an easy sell. The problem is that the poor and those unfamiliar with economics never question how such free flowing government abundance will be paid for. Well, that's not entirely true. The promoters of such things always blame the better off financially and claim they will become modern day Robin Hoods, taking from the more solvent and distributing to the less fortunate. But no one ever questions why the better off are better off and why the poor are poor. Is it because of some evil hand at play? Or is there something else at work, some other recipe that has allowed the more solvent to achieve some of their financial goals? Does hard work and education have anything to do with it? How about personal sacrifice?

In any event, we are now seeing the Empire work it's charms through their unsuspecting and unaware dupes and minions. So, who are the people protesting right now? I have seen some university students from California march around campus complaining about the election outcome. But I really did not see any violence, window breaking and related mayhem on these university properties. The mayhem, the disrespect and fighting with law enforcement plus wanton destruction of property has pretty much happened in the larger cities. And while certainly many of the participants were voluntary recruits (I believe), my suspicion is that paid organizers and paid agitators are deeply involved. I mean to say, if there are organizations and persons willing to pay persons to create trouble, assault people and otherwise terrorize the political opposition while the campaign was going on, why would you not believe some of these very same people are not behind the civil disobedience and violence going on now? Was it not Mr. Scott Foval, former director of Americans United For Change, that admitted and even boasted on hidden camera that he and his cronies sought out the mentally ill, the crazy and homeless to go out and do their bidding for them? How many other people are out there like him, not caught on hidden camera, waiting in the shadows to create problems? And more importantly, who is financing them? Follow the money to find out.

Pearson McKinney reports in a November 10, 2016 article ( that none other than Michael Moore publicly advocates a civil disobedience and opposition movement: quickly and decisively, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the 1960s. Mr. Moore also opines that such a movement should be comprised of young people willing to: commit right now to a vigorous fight including civil disobedience. While I do agree with Mr. Moore that the US voting system needs to be overhauled radically, calling for what amounts to terrorism is uncalled for and is criminal. Speaking of which, the George Soros affiliated has announced they have created 200 protest activities across the US post election. One report indicates people are being bussed into to cities such as Austin, Texas and elsewhere seemingly to get the rest of is to, well, move on. Also, it has been reported that the George Soros Open Society Foundation is funding the United We Dream Network, a group espousing support for illegal immigrants. I will let you take away from that what you will, and I have already said, follow the money.

In New York City we find a crowd numbering in the thousands marching through Times Square and protesting in front of the Trump building where Donald Trump has his residence. They burn American flags and shout insults (Who needs terrorists from the middle east burning the US flag? We have them right here at home). And the over whelming majority are, drum roll please, the young Millennial generation called upon by Michael Moore to make a ruckus. In Portland, Oregon we have a group named Don’t Shoot PDX and Portland Resistance (which supposedly is now the new umbrella organization for Don't Shoot, black lives matter, pink lives matter, dogs lives matter and so on) also reportedly numbering in the low thousands causing a ruckus there. However, those Oregonians seem to be more aggressive than New Yorkers (who knew?) smashing store windows and engaging in all kinds of nonsense. But here is the real ironic kicker. A one Mr. Gregory McKelvey, a member of this PDX thing, opines that: it is not our job to censor anyone's activism (read, they are not to be held responsible if it's own members break windows and destroy property). But wait, it gets better. Mr. McKelvey then announced the formation of Portland Resistance, which tells me these groups are joined at the hip like Siamese twins. And if you visit the Portland Resistance website, they claim they are now soliciting donations to (another drum roll please): raise money to repair the damages done to small and local businesses, which their own members were responsible for in the first place. Beautiful. They break windows and they want someone else to pay for it.

In any event, everyone in a democracy has the right to voice their opinion and everyone has the right to an opinion different from your own. However, this difference of opinion can be presented in letters to editors of local and national newspapers. One can even pay for a full page ad in a national newspaper and print your own editorial if you like. One can print flyer's, create a website and blog, become a guest on a radio, television or other media program. But in NO circumstances does anyone, and I do mean NO ONE, have (has) the right to assault another person, break windows, destroy anyone's private property (and even public property as well) and otherwise engage in forms of civil disobedience or terrorism simply because another person holds a different view or belief. And if you think my use of the word terrorism is not applicable, here is the definition from Wikipedia which pretty much matches the definition from other dictionaries: Terrorism is, in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence (terror) in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. It is classified as fourth-generation warfare and as a violent crime.

So, getting back to the title of our article and whom I believe, albeit indirectly, is behind some of the agitation and civil malfeasance both in Europe, United States and elsewhere. It is the Empire, borrowing a term from Star Wars having the same sense or meaning. Whom or what comprises what I will simply call the Empire? Those individuals and organizations that have an agenda of social engineering and Globalism as their end game. Actually more like fascism light, as the end goal is not just so-called free trade but global political governance. Is all this conspiracy quackery? Not really. This has been going on for decades and I have already said, these groups, organizations and individuals have a lot of money and time already invested in this agenda, and they are not going to go away easily or without a fight. It goes back to the 1970's and probably even before that. One example is the Rockefeller Foundation that supported, albeit again indirectly in a somewhat clandestine fashion, the Women's Liberation movement in the US more than 30 years ago. Why did they do this? Because they were so concerned about the welfare of women and women's rights? No, not at all. They did this with two goals in mind. The first was to get women out of the house and into the work force so each household had a higher taxable income and thus more tax revenue. The second reason was if mom is not at home taking care of the kids, children are placed into state run early child care programs and thus the opportunity to indoctrinate children at an early age. Plus of course, when the child spends more time being cared for in a state institution and less time with mom and dad, the state becomes the primary care giver. The goal was to generate more of an emotional attachment to the state and less so with the family. It's all about social manipulation and political control.

Not to off on a tangent (but it is related), a another brand new social psychological ploy at work are these so-called Safe Spaces on American University Campuses. Ms. Amber Athey reports that these spaces are for: students troubled by the results of the 2016 presidential election, offering everything from counseling hours to painting activities ( I have to tell you, all this nonsense did not exist when I went to university and for good reason, it is absolute quackery. Today's US Universities are teaching the next generation to be afraid of their own shadow, to run away every time they hear something unpleasant and regress into some kind of emotional infantile state. Top notch emotionally stable employees for tomorrow's workforce? I think not. But, for the purposes of political control, immature infants are easier to control using the threat of violence than adults are.

Are the people involved with this agenda all old men in dark robes sitting around chanting Latin in some kind of satanic ritual? Some might be, and if you believe the recent revelations from Wikileaks, there are people involved in all kinds of things such as spirit parties and other lunacies. Rather, I believe, it is a collection and collaboration, in some cases loosely connected and in other cases less so, of corporate, private and public interests that have this end goal in mind. And I believe many people involved with these different groups may not even be aware themselves. The tactic of recent years has involved the Trojan Horse of so-called free trade trade deals and agreements as the first step. Think NAFTA, CAFTA, the European Community which eventually morphed into the political European Union, and so on. That is the end goal, a planet wide entity or union similar to the European Union. In this regard, many private corporations are on board, with the interest of reducing or eliminating trade tariffs for commercial activity. However, many of these people may not even be aware of the fact that these movements of interests have another end goal in mind. Although, there may be others that do understand and or want to use these trade deals to solidify a monopoly of one kind or another. If you want to understand more, read up on the recent TPP initiative and the related criticism of same. Did you know they will not even allow the public nor elected government officials to have copies of this TPP trade deal to read? Why?

Moving along, how do you get a previous economically comfortable group of countries to conform to all this? All this nonsense can be an easy sell to the poor, undeveloped and uneducated although what we are seeing is a push back and negation of the TPP and other trade deals by the so-called under developed third world countries (What do they know and see that citizens in the developed world do not?). But how do you get the people in the developed countries to go along? You make them desperate economically, financially or socially. In order to do that, you need to first wreck their economies and then if that does not work, you make sure some kind of severe social unrest is created. One needs to create social mayhem so martial law and a system that is not democratic can be employed. Do all of you young people not understand this? You are being played. You are dupes in a real life game of thrones, and there be metaphorically dragons in all this as well. Michael Moore wants you to take to the streets and throw rocks but he is offering to pay off all of your college loans? Will he come and bail all of you out of jail or pay for your medical bills if you are injured. Think about it and wake up.

This Portland Resistance thing quotes Martin Luther King on their site (or it might have been Facebook, I forget) which claims that one must engage in civil disobedience if one is not being heard. Not heard? You have been heard, 24 hours a day 7 days a week via the main stream media that has been pumping out the propaganda and rhetoric like a fire hose. There are journalists and reporters in the main stream media whose careers have been ruined now because they offered to help out with YOUR message in an unethical manner, but they foolishly took the risk anyway. You have already been heard and the thing is, many people in the rest of the country do not buy it. They don't agree with you. End of story and move on. Or do you think that since other people do not agree with your ideology and your philosophy that it should be forced upon them? I only ask because this seems to be the point of view coming from many in academia and higher up intellectual circles. We have heard especially from some of the so-called elite with higher learning university degrees in Europe claiming that it must be because the average citizen is too dumb to understand that these ideas are not be embraced. Ergo, they must be put in place anyway against the will and sub-par understanding of the electorate for their own good (because they are apparently too dumb to understand what is being proposed and attempted politically and economically).

In terms of actions, activities, policies and game plans to bring about some of these Globalist initiatives, I give you not the economic crisis of 2008 (although that could have been avoided and or greatly diminished if the government regulators were doing their job) but rather the economic and monetary response to it. You do not solve a excessive debt problem by creating more debt. You do not solve a problem of poor management decisions by rewarding such firms with free tax payer cash. This creates what is known as moral hazard and it has now proven out that many firms in the financial and other sectors have kept on keeping on with what they were doing before. I have also said many times over, with regards to government leaders and central bankers, either they do not know what they are doing (which is one problem) or they are doing it on purpose. You decide which of these two it is, and also I suggest you realize who held political power while all this was going on. Just think about it. And look at which candidates many of corporate and financial sectors (which you also protest against as being part and parcel to the evil in society) have been financing and supporting. Read, read some more, look at the statistics and follow the money. Who are the political candidates that are the real pawns of the globalists?

On the issue of social crisis, I give you the current and recent refugee situation in Europe and the unprotected souther border in the United States. Even worse, in both cases, government leaders that think it a good idea to allow newly arrived individuals, legally entered or not, to immediately tap into and drain the government social welfare coffers. Why? Who in their right mind thinks it a good idea and a positive motivator to financially support all of these people off the backs of working tax paying citizens? What does the country gain from it? Bankruptcy, and in case of Europe, rape would be the answer. And of course not to mention you throw in a group of people with very different backgrounds and beliefs that do not want to assimilate or conform to the new society they are in, and you have a whole other powder keg to deal with. But, I submit to you these are all intended and intentional policies and outcomes. Plus, it secures new votes for the party that promotes the give away.

Make no mistake about it, the Empire will strike back and they will not go quietly into the night. However, at least in terms of all this anarchy and dare I say domestic terrorism inside the US (yes, I dare say) the way to head this off is to cut off the money. Some of these tax exempt non profit organizations and entities are behind the financial funding of this nonsense and they should be called out and dealt with accordingly. Is it not true that other organizations found to have supported terrorism have had their bank accounts frozen, their tax exempt foundation charters revoked and maybe even some of their members facing legal issues? Why should it make a difference if the organization is foreign versus domestic? Do you think because the entity is a US based tax exempt non profit charity that this alone indicates sanctity and virtue? The public had better wake up and do it fast, because they are being attacked from within. Follow the money back to the source.

These groups want the public and the rest of the world to believe that all of these post election protests occurring inside the US are organic, meaning spur of the moment by the will of the people. They are NOT organic. They are organized, promoted and funded by interests that want to see mayhem, violence, property destruction and even murder thrown in to promote their own agenda. Ironically, the young people out there involved in civil disobedience are so naive as to not even realize that the people pushing them and funding them are the very same that want to see democracy fail, to see the bill of rights eradicated and to take away the very freedoms they think they are fighting to preserve. That is what makes all of this brilliant, sheer genius albeit diabolical plan as well. As for me, I guess I will go to my safe space and do some finger painting or watch a video about puppies. Until next time.

About The Author: This article was written by John Schroder of Ascot Advisory Services. John's firm has been helping clients in the Dominican Republic for the last 17 years with residency application services, naturalized citizenship filing, banking assistance and legal services pertaining to real estate (title transfers, legal representation at closing, sales contract review). You can contact him by telephone at 809-756-1917 or visit:

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one would've thought the same thing when RP was running.. that he would've won because of how many tens of thousands would come to see him... but alas i guess they didn't count the votes correctly that day lol or hell maybe some "went missing" as usual hahahaha

Seems to be a number of those magic magician boxes used at the polling stations (no doves fly out but the votes disappear).