Marxism has infiltrated the West through the back-door

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

The United States and Western Europe once represented the anti-thesis of communism. But since the fall of the USSR in 1991, the USA and Western Europe seem to have lost the willpower to protect their own principles and standards which they previously held in high regard. As a result, the West has allowed itself to be infiltrated and subverted from within. Communism/Marxism, or whatever you want to call it, has entered the West - not through the force of guns and violence - but through the backdoors of schools, academia and media.

Contrary to the later-stage Marxism in the USSR, which was purely economical in origin, the Marxism in the West is purely cultural in origin. This is visible through the cultural and moral relativization of core concepts which were once part of the West, just as communism destroyed all morals in Russia after the collapse of the Russian Empire by the Bolsheviks before Stalin came along. Exactly the same happened in Weimar Germany after they lost the first world war. You had free sex with man, woman, child and animal. Gender was relative, cheating was stimulated, child-free life was promoted. All things previously held absolute, such as gender, race, sex, marriage and family became relative because they were seen as oppressive "social constructs".

Today we are witnessing the exact same thing in the West. People cannot fathom how much of their thinking is influenced by bolshevist thought patterns. These patterns are continuously promoted by the mainstream media and normalized. Young children are indoctrinated to believe nothing is absolute, that they can choose their own gender and be whatever they want, girl, boy, animal or object. This is the end result of absolute moral relativism.

As a result, the West has opened their borders to the whole world. The political elite and the vast majority of the citizens have been indoctrinated from birth to think that they and their ancestors have caused all problems and poverty in the world: through colonization, slavery and racism. Thus they see it as their duty to open up their borders for foreigners to come in and reap off the benefits and wealth of Western systems, which, after all, they have been taught to think of as 'stolen' from the third world.

These feelings of guilt have been exploited decade after decade, while the Western man continues to be mocked and spit upon by all minorities. The minorities which have been taught all these exact same things and thus blame all their problems on the very existence of the white man. This is how the globalist elites put these two groups against each other, so that neither will focus and direct their efforts against them, to those who you are not allowed to criticize.

Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job

In this video, former KGB-agent Yuri Bezmenov reveals the subversive tactics used by the KGB against Western society as whole. While the USSR may have fallen, its ideology lives on in the West. Through decades of infiltration and subversion, we now see the result of their work and the globalist conspirators. The result you can see all around you in the way people think. Its results are visible in all the elections, they are visible in the hands of policy-makers, in the history classes of high schools, in the falling birthrates of Europeans, the collapse of Christian morality and in the immigration policy of the West as a whole. What will the end result be? One only has to research history to see where it's going.

A classic song to end this post, from times when the peoples of the West were not ignorant on the evils of Marxism.

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Karl Marx once wrote that if left to time, all societies will bend to socialism.
This is unfortunately very true as we have entered a period of unprecedented growth around the world. This will naturally give rise to a call from majorities for a redistribution of that wealth. It is up to us as a society to ensure that work and effort are always more rewarding than being a tax leech...
With that said. Where do you stand on free education?

I endorse home-schooling and peaceful parenting, but I acknowledge the fact that home-schooling isn't possible for everyone. Your best next bet would be small, local primary schools, often christian in nature.
I went to one of these and it was heaven compared to the large public high school I went to afterwards.
After primary school, I'd also recommend a smaller, christian high school if available.
Sadly local schools are disappearing in favor of massive, centralized public indoctrination centers.

I do not believe college or university should be free or paid for by taxpayer money. When you reach that age you are a grown up and responsible for your own actions, so you pay for your own further education. I mean, common, you're not a little kid that needs to be comforted and nourished anymore. At this age you need to learn to stand on your own feet. It also disincentivizes students from studying worthless degrees.

That being said, I do not approve of cronyism when it comes to the costs of college of university, resulting in abnormal and inflated prices, of which most today is merely there to stimulate a transition to complete public schooling system and further centralization.

On home-schooling I couldn't agree more. As for free schooling, I do see it as an economical investment as an educated society is more productive.

There is an addendum to that though. If someone is willing to try for a medical degree and they have marks that support their conviction, it should be free. But if some spoiled rich kid wants a degree in fine arts or an equally useless degree, it should not be free!

The current system unfortunately financially cripples too many people who could be of much greater value to society.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very sad, but necessary to point out. You've probably heard of Jordan Peterson. But if not, here are two playlists with some of his videos on this topic.
1. Communism:
2. Post-Modernism:

The problem of all of this what he speaks about and the radicalization of the left is that it leads to an equal radicalization of the right. As the left continues to increase laying emphasis on destroying social constructs, the right will increase their efforts to preserve it. This was perfectly visible after Hitler came to power. All these so called "social constructs" which the left in Germany during the 1920s tried to destroy (constructs and principles, of which most are common sense and do not need law applied to them to preserve them.) were actually totally embedded into law as a result after Hitler came to power, with often a death sentence on breaching it. The left radicalizes the right and the right radicalizes the left and ultimately one triumphs creating hell for all normal , common sense people. But time and time again it is the left that starts the process, and the right that ends it.