DTube - Lauren Southern: Mommy & Daddy Government - The End Of Individualism

in politics •  7 years ago 

One of our more recent interviews!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson sits down with Lauren Southern to talk about the increasing dependency of the Marxist left as the mainstream pumps up collectivist ideology.
It's easy to promote getting free things. This is why the Marxist ideology became so powerful in the 20th century. Well, as if no one learned from the past hundred years, we are seeing the beginning of another October Revolution happening before our eyes among privileged trust fund brats at college campuses throughout the United States, Canada and Britain.
It is so convenient for the political establishment to promote complete servitude under the guise of "a helping hand". Under the guise of "fairness."
From gender roles and the denial of masculinity to clashing cultures and races together, we are on the cusp of a very dangerous time indeed. And it's all manufactured.

Lauren Southern breaks down her thoughts on this unfortunate growing trend and what she believes to be the main agenda driving this desperate belief in centralized power.

She also goes into her new film "Farmlands" and the struggle and dangers white farmers face in South Africa.

Yup! It's one of those videos. Open your mind and listen. There's lots to be learned from everyone, even if you don't entirely agree with their point of view.

Stay tuned for more video from Anarchapulco in Acapulco, Mexico!

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At work! Can’t eat up monthly cel ph usage here! Will watch it tonight! Always interesting to see what Lauren has to say!

Oh, I have to go find that debate now! I will always love Larken, he lit a candle in my brain that will never burn out. But... he has made himself almost as obnoxious as "devout atheists" if you know what I mean. I don't want to fight about "the most perfect world" I want to try to IMPROVE the real one.
Great interview, as always!

I really enjoy the work of Lauren Southern, I am truly happy to see that she is still up and fighting for what is right! I think that she is an amazing activist, I actually wrote a post about her recently. I haven't her seen her debate with Larken Rose, as I truly believe that we can fight statism with rationality! Collectivism is cancer... I am happy that the left can't shut her up! :D

Any chance we'll be seeing her here any time soon?

Nice job Josh!

Why look all the way to South Africa? What about here, at home?
Or is she in favor of the American system of neo-feudalism and strict racial caste system?
We have Emminent Domain in America. Land stolen from private citizens, and given to a few oligarchs...for pipelines, resource extraction, etc.
We have billionaires extracting cash by the train-load, each and every day, from the government coffers, that came out of our pockets...while she bitches about a few pennies that went to a refugee fleeing from US Military drone bombing?
Taken from the masses and given to a few...the American way, unfortunately, if you ask me...which clearly no one did...lol