What’s up Internet people? It’s Saturday night, at least for a few more minutes as I’m typing this, and time for me to post another blog. And I have some ideas, I wrote some shit down earlier, but I’m still not sure how this is going to turn out, so let’s just see what happens I guess.
So I’ve been writing about politics a lot lately, and frankly I find it rather irritating. It’s irritating because It’s a puppet show that everyone takes seriously and tries to force you to take seriously too. But I can’t take it seriously because it just looks more and more like a reality TV show ever day. And I’ve always found reality TV shows to be annoying as fuck. Now there’s a 24/7 reality show across all forms of media that you’re an asshole if you don’t take seriously.. And I think Donald Trump succeeded in completing that transition. He did a great job of focusing everyone’s attention on him while the oligarchs robbed us blind. In fact, he’s still got everyone’s attention focused on him after losing the election. I saw a meme earlier of AOC talking about Republicans wasting time trying to overturn the election while people are starving. And I’m like ok, fair enough. But if they’re so fucking concerned about people starving, why are they now pushing a stimulus bill with no stimulus checks in it? How is that supposed to help starving Americans? Of course they didn’t hesitate to pass a $740 billion defense spending bill because no matter what happens in this country we always have money for bombs don’t we? And more Republicans voted against this bill than Democrats. So the Democrats are to the right of the Republicans on war now, and they’ve got the backing of big business. So they’re basically Republicans now. And the only viable opposition to them are Fascists. That’s the rock and a hard place you’re between with politics in 2020. And there’s not really much you can do about that besides sit back and watch it all play out to it’s inevitable conclusion. Either the whole thing falls apart, or the upper 1% blasts off to go live in space, leaving the rest of us down here to clean up their mess. So the best thing one can do is to be prepared for that is by cultivating respect for the Earth and for our fellow humans. The challenge is that our culture does everything it can to prevent that. It trains us to put our own short term self interest over the needs of the community, the species, or the planet. That works out for the system of course because it keeps us working harder and buying more things trying to fill that empty whole inside left by the absence of human connection.
But human connection is even harder to come by in 2020, isn’t it? I mean, you can call me a conspiracy theorist and you’d be right, but I can never help but notice how much major catastrophes tend to work out ok for the people in charge. Amazon is doing record business while small businesses are shutting down. Isn’t that nice for the richest man in the world (on paper). And nobody can go to a restaurant or a bar, but politicians can hold fundraising dinners, indoors and unmasked.. BUT! The good news is that now there’s a vaccine! Yes, the FDA has approved Pfizers COVID vaccine a mere 9 months after it hit the United States. I’m pretty sure that has to be a record of some kind. I mean don’t they usually take like 7 years or some shit? I mean, AIDS is still killing people after 40 years and we don’t have a vaccine for that. So pardon me if I don’t run right out to get my shot. I’m sure plenty of people will, I’m gonna wait and see what happens to them first. It’s like when a new video game system comes out. You don’t run out and get a PS5 the first day it comes out. You wait a few months. See what kind of bugs it has. Hopefully the price comes down too. .But it’s very hard to say stuff like this without being labeled an “Anti-Vaxer “ I’m very pro-vaccines, as a concept. It’s the people making them I have concerns about. And I really don’t get how the American “Left”, who is supposed to be anti-corporate, can put so much faith in monopolistic mega-corporations with immunity from liability. I don’t know. Some of these are the same people who tell you to believe all sexual assault accusations unless they’re against Joe Biden. Chemically induced cognitive dissonance? Say not to drugs, kids.
So I saw another meme earlier this week listing the deadliest days in American history. It showed Antietem, 9/11, Pearl Harbor, last Tuesday, Last Wednesday, Last Monday…… you get the idea. And I’m like, ok but all of these body counts are from one particular cause of death. They’re not all of the people who died in America on that day. I mean, I’m pretty sure a lot of people were dying from Oregon Trail diseases when the battle of Antietam was happening. You mean to tell me not one motherfucker died of dysentery, or crashed trying to float down the Columbia river that day? You’re saying there were no car crashes on 9/11? And if we’re going to count Pear Harbor, why not Hiroshima? That’s part of American History.140,000 people died at Hiroshima, but they weren’t Americans so who gives a fuck, right? I mean, Imagine if the news kept a running count of civilians killed by U.S. bombs like they do with COVID. Shit. What if they did that for heart disease, the #1 killer in the U.S.? I bet you’d see a lot of people make some pretty drastic lifestyle changes pretty fucking quick if you were throwing the heart disease death count in everyones face all the time. McDonald’s stock would drop straight through the floor. That’s why they don’t do it.
Anyway, so I’m kinda drunk and kinda stoned and mostly just zoning out to the music right now, so maybe this is a good spot for a hard close. I guess it’s not that hard, since I have time to write about it. Perhaps a firm close. But as always my message to you is to see the big picture and realize there’s only so much you can do. So do as much as you can of what you can do, and for everything else, so fuck it! Before It fucks You.