A Wild Guess About The North Korea Situation

in politics •  7 years ago 

As it is well understood, speculation is the mother of all fuck ups. This applies as politics as much as it does to everything else. Nonetheless, I will make a wild guess based on the limited information we have from the N.Korean front since more or less, everything we are being fed is bullshit.

The U.S has a long history of messing with other countries when they want to get in control. They don't do this by just landing troops somewhere (taking over Rambo style) but rather employ techniques that take the enemy from the inside. If you doubt any of this just take a look at the history of most Latin American countries or every other situation the U.S has engaged in armed combat. The first step always involves some political maneuver from the inside in order to make war less expensive. Surely, armed forces are deployed but only when resources are in play (see Iraq). When it is just geopolitical positioning, coups do just fine.

Which bring us to the second possibility. Keeping hands clean from the situation. While a coup might be orchestrated by the U.S, the forces that will be actively advertised are going to be anything but American. In all likelihood "mysterious" occurrences will have major North Korean figures fleeing the administration or getting assassinated while South Korean forces gain ground in some key positions. Japan will surely aid and America will arrive last, putting the cherry on the cake, "liberating" the oppressed North Koreans.

Even if nothing of all these happen, I strongly believe that a similar scenario will be played out or at least attempted in order to keep the eyes turned on that specific part of the world while the American political divide grows larger. The national debt has hit all time records, the petrodollar is getting smacked by the Chinese and as we all know, war is always good business for United States when it comes to turning things around (especially the worrying heads of the citizens). War is perhaps the most lucrative of all enterprises when it comes to both politics and economics, yet very few a ready to acknowledge its impact. They rather believe that America is defending the "liberties" of the citizens of the world, policing around for a better world. I guess American pop-culture with superheroes has given this idea. Who would have guessed?

Like I said above, this is a wild guess. I would understand perfectly if someone shits all over this post since I have no evidence, just vague correlations from the bullshit news they are feeding us and some weak clues from the historical record. I really do hope to be wrong and this thing does not escalate or else things will get fucked up for a lot of people really fast, really soon.

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The whole world knows that and it's soo obvious that nobody pays attention anymore. We're too busy browsing our smartphones. Sad reality.


I am just wondering how they are going to spin the story

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

They gonna fuck up the whole thing and then start to lie and pretend. As usually.

False flag usually works.

I nominate #motherofallfuckups as tag o the day :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I believe you are correct in thinking that the US will try to disrupt North Korea from within using the aid of Japan. However make no mistake, China is backing North Korea and will not accept this. North Korea is a buffer state to China (against Japan, South Korea, and the US), as the Ukraine and other Eastern European nations are to Russia (against NATO and the US).

Is it a coincidence then that US forces are the most concentrated in Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Japan? I think not. Both sides are looking to buffer themselves from one another.

This is simply the Korean War continued, which is the culmination of the Reagan Doctrine (anti-communism) combined with the Wolfowitz Doctrine (US dominance). It is the US, Japan, and South Korea (with NATO in reserve) versus China, North Korea, and of course Russia. So when Trump makes bold claims against North Korea, I suspect he is really communicating to China and Russia that the US military will not stand down to any aggression.

Trump is also likely leveraging military force to communicate to Russia and China that for the time being, the US Petrodollar remains dominant and refuses to step down quietly to any alternative coming out of the East.

That's my belief, we will see how things develop! I highly recommend everyone seeing this read up on the Korean War, or "The Forgotten War" that is never taught in schools. I wonder why it's not covered....


Reckon how much man-power and money is spent by the "Administration" to gather 'intel' on the Norks..all of which is provided to the Commander in Chief?

Reckon how much of that information is available to the public?

very true man

More than anything, China wants stability. I can't imagine a scenario where they would sit on their hands as the U.S. rocked the boat in NK.

The war has already started...

Cheer Up! 많은 사람들이 이 포스팅에 관심을 갖고 있나봐요!

  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

This sounds like a solid guess to me! The US certainly has the track record. Here's very much hoping this ends in a fizzle not a boom.

I think we're going to go to war there so much going on in the United States we have to worry about North Korea now with the situation in Puerto Rico and in Texas. With Rambo in the White House, we don't know what's going to happen to be honest....

The national debt has hit all the time records, the petrodollar is being hit by the Chinese and as we all know, war is always a good deal for America when it comes to turning things around

How about the fact that North Korea is a terrorist regime that is flooded by daily propaganda from a crazy psycho leader who likes to shoot missles all day long.

Going to war with North Korea is going to war with Russia and China and I don't think it will be a good deal for the US...

Does anyone remember the last time the national debt wasn't at an all time high?

Maybe, just maybe, the United States of America 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 ( the greatest strongest powerful country in the entire known universe) is tired of bullshit from psycho leaders of foreign lands. Too fucking bad if no one likes it.

Lol bless your heart. Hows that kool-aid tasting? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Great write up. I wrote on the same subject a couple months ago and you make some great points. Thoroughly enjoyable read and will happily upvote and follow.

Maybe, Rocket man( great name for him btw) should stop poking the fucking Bear. Trump is the wrong president to do so with. Kim The pussy should get a life and worry about his starving people, instead he launches missles every other day.

Riiiight and can you tell me you honestly think someone singled out as so 'special' since birth is really going to start to give a solitary fuck about his 'starving people'? Nope not going to happen.

Besides if this ever becomes a real war that part of the peninsula will glow for 10000 years as 2 of the most powerful nations on earth would rather THAT than a united 'free' Korea on their doorsteps

It's all about profits for war profiteers.

Thanks for turning this into a blog post. I remember this course really helped me out when you realised it a while back!!

I wish more people would wake up and see how this is exactly true. History shows us how violently this country was built on what they call freedom. People overall have no clue what freedom is because they are to wrapped up in there traditions

When the wars starts im going to mars with Elon Musk who wants to join me

What I find interesting is that we have 5 carrier groups near the Korean peninsula yet nobody is talking about that outside the Patriot and Militia communities. If it isn't on "reality" TV then it doesn't exist, right?

Oh nooo

usa and North Korea are leading the world towards annihilation

North Korea is leading themselves to annihilation and we ( The USA) now has a president who is not a pussy.

I don't like war..! Thank u for sharing your opinion :)

Ohhhhh my goodness.......

It is war for others it is fun on a dance floor .
The Russians say: "to whom is war, but to whom mother is dear".

If George W Bush and Tony Blair ain`t going to face war crimes any day soon?

Trump will just outshine and outsmart them both by bringing destruction to millions of people. Trump is nothing more than a puppet who has had its strings cut.


People are starting to pay attention now. Things will change soon.

Thanks for sharing