What do the political parties agree on?

in politics •  4 years ago 


Good research from Pew.

We agree that the current system is corrupt and broken. Very similar responses across the spectrum.

We disagree on whether things are generally fair. The biggest gap is 76-28 on whether this somewhat or very well describes the US: "Everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed."

Some eye-openers in the details. For example, only 53% of Republicans now think it is "very important" that people have a right to protest:

That question and the related ones ring true. I don't so much see rank racism from the right (although plenty of it certainly exists). I do see a consensus that racism or sexism and discrimination are not significant problems today, and to the extent that they exist, white males are the ones being hurt.

I don't understand that POV, but I do recognize that it is widespread.

Full survey here:

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