RE: What the bleep is going on in Sweden??

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What the bleep is going on in Sweden??

in politics •  8 years ago 

dont worry sweden is fine. i live in germany. like 30% here are not german.

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And that´s just positive to you? Arent your media covering up gropings and rapes at festivals? Didn´t someone attack train-passengers with an axe a year ago? I mean, sure, you´re doing OK now. But at some point you must stop right? There are tens if not hundreds of million of men from the third world wanting to go to germany or sweden. When is the cut off point for you? Never?

I Disagree. Sweden is far from ok. I live here born and raised. We have so weak laws that even a rapest can claim he was asleep and he will go free......I didnt know she said no I cant the launghwitch.....u go free... is that ok?
And all taxes we pay so that they can give them homes and phones and Ipads so our old people have to live on microfood.
And all the burned cars and burning houses were immigrants live. Thay are burning down it them selfs.....they are not happy with the homes or they didnt get what they asked for.
I meet a man not long ago who came to Sweden 7 years ago. He is afraid cause he came here to get away from people who is extreme islamists. And now we think we are saving people who are running for their lives.....well not really cause we are taking in people just like the ones they are running from
And people wonder why so many people born outside of Sweden are woting for SD.....dahhh