RE: Donald Trump: Can A Leopard Really Change its Spots?

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Donald Trump: Can A Leopard Really Change its Spots?

in politics •  9 years ago 

would you vote for him?

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Not a chance! @luminousvisions

I commented on Huff Post suggesting voting for Trump and my comment was immediately erased and I was blocked from the comment section. And it was otherwise a completely innocuous post. The establishment, Republican and Democrat, hate him and that is enough to make me like him. If elected, he may turn out to be a piece of crap but ultimately, that doesn't matter. At least we will show the Powers That Be that the people are paying attention and we are taking our govt. back! If Trump betrays us, we can kick him out and look for someone else. At least the establishment will realize they don't own us yet!

He's probably the lesser of 2 evils.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

The problem is the American people believe they only have 2 options. Consider looking into Libertarian or Green Party candidates. They will be on the ballot in all 50 states.
Green Party:

If I'm not mistaken, only Johnson is on all of the ballots.

I don't see how that provides any sound basis to vote for him though. I dislike both Clinton and Trump yet one of them, most likely the former, will end up in the White House. Instead of holding your nose and voting for someone you quite clearly disagree with. At least if you vote third party in November, in a few years time when we bemoan the 2016 presidential election and the two utterly deplorable candidates it turned out you can say you had the conviction to vote with your conscience rather than pandering to the meaningless and barely distinguishable two parties.

The canditates are just the puppets of who really is in charge and they command both puppets. This election is just an illusion for the masses as if they really had a chioce.

Trump may be the exception. Alex Jones has vetted him and supports him 100%. In any case, Trump is an unknown quantity, unlike Hillary who has had nothing but scandal her whole life. If she is elected it would signal a capitulation, that the American public will tolerate any amount of criminal behavior and elect whoever the establishment spoon feeds us

I'm sick of people who say the two parties are the same. You can support a third party without saying the two parties are the same. Trump is uniquely unqualified to be president. Clinton might be business as usual, IE, Obama's third term, and that is not a disaster. We ar the worlds only superpower and we achieved that status under our current two party system. The problem is that one of our two parties has gone insane, so right now the system is out of balance.

She would really be a continuation of Reagan and more so Nixon. As far as foreign policy is concerned at least. There were reports last year that Establishment republicans would support Clinton over most of the Republican nominees. It makes sense if you look at her record on war, her stance on the drug war and well, her roots.

Trump to loose election.
He is a personal friend of president argentine Mauricio Macri.
He can´t do goverment good.