Sorry to bring up the topic of the imminent enslavement of humanity...

in politics •  4 years ago  (edited)

The average person has heard of the holocaust even if they know nothing else about history. Most people are unaware that the genocide that took place in the Soviet Union and under Mao each claimed many more lives. Professor Jordan Peterson gave fascinating talk on the psychological underpinnings of genocide, specifically as it manifested in the Soviet Union. I've transcribed the video below, and it all sounded so familiar to what's going on today with the only two channels that are on the mainstream right now: racist and sexist cancel culture, and the coronavirus.


The largest genocide in history is taking place, and we are pawns being used against each other. There are a handful of families and corporations around the world who are coalescing power in ways you could never fathom thanks to ancient knowledge and real technology (not your stupid smart phone) that's been kept from the public. It's not surprising that the bible has predicted this; it is history, and the ancients did have some wisdom they were trying to pass down to us like do onto others.

It's not surprising they tried to warn us about insidious organizations. Most of the world has been gradually destabilizaed or never allowed to develop because of these rich, elite fucks. Most places are either poor or under an iron fist like China technologically and religiously in Saudi Arabia. In order to coalesce power, Western culture is being undermined by sudden mass immigration, Black Lives Matter movement, Trans rights, feminism, and other fifth columns masquerading as social justice.

I can wear what I want to.jpg
Can you really wear what you want, now?!

People in these movements are having their sense of victimization heightened by demagogues who care neither for women nor for black people or any other disadvantaged groups. And Western people are passively accepting it because of their apologetic nature and sense of class guilt. History and culture are being erased by cancel culture and the family unit and gender norms are being eroded by feminism and trans rights. The masses are too dumbed-down and over-emotional to converse about it either because there are strawman in place for every one of these phenomena:

Sexism against males masquerades as feminism (and if you point it out, you're called a mysoginist):

The Women's rights movement, which wanted reasonable things like equal pay for equal jobs and the right to opportunity of outcome in the workforce and education system, has morphed into an insidious ideology. The demand for equal pay has
grown into the demand for equality of outcome and affirmative action for females: placing them in positions only because they're female, and even rejecting more qualified men to do so.

MeToo is blatant sexism masquerading as equality.

The #MeToo movement is a foot in the door to the idea of toxic masculinity and the beginning of cancel culture of men's positions. It empowers opportunistic liars and shadows actual victims which have been shamed, making them look like one of those. Men are being told that it's not okay to be male, not okay to look at or talk to females. Natural, healthy male behaviours like horseplay is called toxic. Women are being taught not to have any sense of responsibility because they can claim assault if they regret a sexual interaction, or even ongoing relationship. On the macro level, feminism is cancelling men out of society, and on the micro-level it is destroying the family unit. The sexes hate each other, men are too afraid to ask women out, and women are sacrificing raising their own children for mediocre jobs they were told would be an important career.

shaving masculinity.jpg

Trans rights erode individual liberty (and if you point it out, you're called a bigot):

Because a minority of people do not fit the prescribed gender norms in society, does not call for the destruction of gender norms. While people are busy serving the system, too busy for their children and too sheepish to be an authoritative parent, children become raised by the system, and the system tells them to emancipate from their parents so they can be a warden of the state and get a sex change. The only thing worse than this is parents who force it on their children through suggestion and the bystanders too polite to call a spade a spade: child abuse! This movement primarily attempts to infringe upon free speech by forcing use of gender pronouns under the guise of equality. The solution to perceived inequality is not to remove free speech.

Black Lives Matter is a racist movement that doesn't care about black people (and if you point it out, you're called a racist):

The demagogues who've stoked this group are elitist eugenicists who are wrecking havoc on Black people in Africa. They're using Black people in America and apologetic White activists to actually cancel Black culture, like Aunt Jemima. It's all black-vs-white racist bullshit masquerading as benevolence. Could you imagine a modern advertisement like the one below that says White Owned or Male Owned? Why not, and why are businesses playing identity politics?

Black Owned.png

Mass muslim immigration is European genocide (and if you point it out you're a neo-nazi slave owner):

It got its foot in the door as the Syrian refugee crisis, but it was a mass importation of muslims from all over north Africa and the middle East. People who try to discuss the real causes and consequences of it are bombarded with stupid internet memes that suggest since everyone living in North America who isn't aboriginal is an immigrant, we must not complain about any immigration; otherwise we're racist, intolerant bigots. White people are the natives of Sweden, and they're also being outnumbered by muslims. There's a reason why there's a process to immigration! What we really are is cowards for not speaking the truth because we don't want to be called mean names. Click here for an unbiased and informative youtube channel about ethnicity, in case you're actually curious about instead of ashamed about the topic.

Left: Anti-Kulak protest | Right: Black Lives Matter protest

All of these aformentioned social phenomenon have very similar, sinister outcomes: they censor individuals, erase history, and cancel culture. Moreover, they are divisive and hate-provoking and prey on the intentionally dumbed-down and emotionally-charged masses. Demagogues are stirring up hate and socially engineering the SJW movement. We are polarized pawns who've been reduced to a dichotomous label or ideology. We're being stripped of our individuality and ability to think critically. We're being played against each other so we don't rise up and free ourselves from the coming global technocratic control grid and domestication and enslavement of humans.

Do you see the warning signs of genocide?!

  1. Classification - "Us Vs. Them" - Statists Vs. Conspiracy Theorists

  2. Symbolization - Maskers Vs. Anti-maskers

  3. Discrimination - "A dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other groups," including censoring the free speech of dissenting opinions. "The ideology advocates monopolization or expansion of power by the dominant group".

  4. Dehumanization - "One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases."

  5. Organization - "States organize secret police to spy on, arrest, torture, and murder people suspected of opposition to political leaders. "Motivations for targeting a group are indoctrinated through mass media".

  6. Polarization - "Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda."


  7. Preparation - "National or perpetrator group leaders plan the "Final Solution".

  8. Persecution - "Victims are identified and separated out because of their national, ethnic, racial or religious identity". "Death lists, extrajudicial killings, torture and forced displacement into concentration camps".

  9. Extermination: Educated members of the target group are killed first.

  10. Denial

Plastic graves purchased en mass by FEMA

The smaller your government, the more it cares about you. You care about yourself the most, and then your family and community. It's not: a witch hunt or a boogeyman chase or a paranoid us-vs-them scheme or rebellion without a cause, to be critical of your authority. Since it is human nature to conspire and be greedy and xenophpbic, be cautious of the size of your government, who funds them how much control they have over your life, especially in the technological age when advancements can seem magical or supernatural. Be a role model for your children, educate them, and stop letting them be raised by the system. And you: think for yourself. Break away from your mass-media brainwashing, meditate, get out in nature, and get in touch with yourself.

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