When Will Democrats Hold Democratic Leadership Accountable?

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Political Parties The Same.jpg

Has anybody yet noticed me trying to point out that Democrats, since Clinton lost, have been barking up the wrong tree, what with refusal to admit errors of advocacy and mistakes made, harping on Trump and Russians as something more important than actual issues? Anyone recall me claiming Pelosi, Schumer and Perez were not the solution?

What are Democrats offering Independent voters that is beyond anti-Russian and anti-Trump rhetoric? How can you condemn Trump but then vote to support his 720 billion dollar defense budget and increased spying on Americans? Why is it that nearly all of Trump's appointments get over the top for confirmation with some Democrats voting accordingly?

Except for god, guns and gays there is little difference between the two political parties. Ever wonder why the media is strong on these particular issues? Never in the media are comparisons of America's oligarchs to Russian oligarchs when, ironically, Putin has booted out most of the Russian oligarchs (who knew?). And why we don't hear much that ninety-five percent of the wealth under Obama went to the fatcats at the top and the same is now happening under Trump?

You've got to realize that those in control of both political parties really don't care much who wins or loses so long as two things happen: a) The oligarchs are well-served; b) the lobbyist, politician, consultant and media class get to keep their six and seven-digit salaries.


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2 peas in a very f**ked up pod