Little bit confused, are we?

in politics •  5 years ago 

I am getting so confused lately. Mask/NO Mask, open/closed and the list goes on. With the prez going out of his way to NOT give his citizens anything more to help mediate the problems associated with the closure of the Country due to the Corona Virus Pandemic he now says “No More Stimulus, unless you get rid of Social Security” and because he hasn’t helped even a little bit, he might scare Congress into falling for that trap.
Every year you hear that Social Security “Is going broke” and that it will fail within a year or two. Well, if the Departments of the Federal Government would stop “borrowing” the surplus there might not be a reason to say “It’s going Broke”, instead they might actually say “WOW, look how much the fund has!” But the GREED of EVERY CONGRESSMAN/WOMAN is such that they overspend EVERY budget THEY agree to, the surplus moneys going to either their own pockets or their wealthiest contributors.
One of the WORST at this is South Carolina’s own Lindsay Graham. He puts on a good show, but if you really pay attention, he undermines even his own party. When it is a appointee that might even be a little bit Liberal, he reacts with a carefully choreographed act of indignation crying out like a little Oliver “We can’t be too careful sir, I need more” and when it comes to a extreme conservative “Please Sir, We can’t waste time having some MORE”. He truthfully is like the storybook “OLIVER” the little child shivering in the night, starving, always wanting “MORE”.
Right behind him comes Nancy Pelosi from California. She believes that she is in the “Golden State” and SHE believes that she is entitled to nothing less than the most! Never giving Debates, only sounding like the Little Darling who will give anything. Well, she does give away EVERYTHING that you and I pay into the system. She has amassed a wealth that is hardly equaled in the time she has been in office, but yet, what has she done for HER CONSTITUANTS? Oh, wait! That would be NOTHING, she sits at her desk ALL DAY LONG calling HER contributors, not the people who elected her, “time after time”. And people wonder how we got in this shape, NATIONALLY?
OH, but there really is one SENATOR that puts every one else to shame. He is Mitch McConnell, that “LIMPDICKED, IMITATION TURTLE LOOKING” POS from Kentucky. He is sitting on over 200 Bills that would benefit the American People and HE is refusing to allow ANY STIMULUS benefits to go through, no matter WHO or WHAT PARTY wrote them.
NOW your favorite fantasy game show host, DONALD DRUMPF is demanding that SOCIAL SECURITY is STOPPED before he will authorize any STIMULUS RELIEF. Yeah, THIS is YOUR Federal GOVERNMENT. Nothing but a bunch of MAMBIE PAMBIE little minded, OVER WEIGHT, OVER AGED GREEDY PIECES OF SHIT that we continually vote back into office.

YESSIRREE when it comes to “WHAT GENERATION” did the most damage to the world, it would be MY generation. The “BOOMERS” who kept putting the same old crooks back into office. We, the “BOOMERS” have done this country and the WORLD, the biggest disservice that anyone could have done. WE FAILED!

© Mitchell 2020-07-18

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