Consequences of war with NK

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)



Trumps recent and provocative speech has escalated tensions between the US and North Korea. Trump’s stance on Iran has been equally challenging and with every tweet the world is kept on an edge as to what will happen next.

A single spark can cause a fire and in this a case a single mistake can cause a war. But with war it’s never always about winning or losing, it’s always about who has the most or least casualties. The consequences of war are never the best, but we need to look at if war broke out, what are the consequences?

The consequences

  1. **loss of life (Civilians) ** - without a doubt people will die, but not just soldiers. Civilians will die on both sides. The previous 2 world wars have taught us that, attacking civilians population is also a strategy to destroy a country.
    Russia revealed in a statement a few Months back, that NK has a missile capable of travelling to the west coast and wiping out the entire coastal area. If US drops a nuke on Pyongyang, it’ll be the next Hiroshima/Nagasaki.

  2. Terrorism - NK terrorism will become a thing, if the country is destroyed and destabilised in the processs. Look at Iraq and syria, what happens when you drive your tanks across and into another territory. The country will become a breeding ground for another terrorist branch to open up.

  3. cost - When britan went to war in in 1914, at the end in 1917. He total cost of the war was 3 trillion pounds. This was just more than a 100 years ago and the currency value has risen in these years. The cost will be extremely high this time sound possibly in hundred trillions given how costly military equipment is. This will cause a huge strain on the already collapsing economy, which will most likely destroy any lifeline support it has.

  4. Revenge - In the near future, who knows maybe 200 or 300 hundred years later. Remenants of the enemy, may attack future generations. Causing chaos and turmoil, what our actions we do today will have a an impact tomorrow and what that impact will be? It could be revenge. For their ancestors who they may think were innocent, who we may think still are.


It’s going to be happen, we have leaders who don’t listen to the population. Don’t listen to rationale reasoning or any type of calm and collective advises. Blood will be on their hands, whether they were right or wrong in this. Whether this war is justified or not, blood will definitely be on the hands of Trump and his band of warmongers. But it’s not gonna be blood from the enemy side, it’s gonna be blood from their own side as well.War doesn’t seem all that glorious and righteous when innocent men, women and children die from our side.

The end.

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