The dear Governor has been signed a frenzy of bills into law. It's like he's trying to make up for the previous years of legislative incompetence and impasse. What's the law of the land in CA so far? Here are some notable ones:
AB1732: Gender-neutral restrooms: This is meant to accommodate transgendered persons and will make many conservatives shit themselves. This bill will turn all single-occupant restrooms gender-neutral. Now men will have to wait in line too.
AB2466: Allowing felons to vote in jail: This will be a great boon to progressive and democratic candidates. It goes beyond the debate about restoring voting rights to ex-felons and allows thousands currently serving their sentences to vote in California elections.
SB1063/SB1676: Wage discrimination against women and minorities. SB1063 applies tough fair pay laws to the protection of minorities while SB1676 "prohibits employers from basing compensation solely on a worker’s prior wage."
SB813: Dumping rape-reporting limit: The Bill Cosby fiasco led to Brown overturning the 10-year statute of limitations on rape/related charges.
Gov. Brown dislikes mandatory minimums but pressure from victims' advocates and Sheriffs after the Brock Turner incident led to sign a new law specifying mandatories for rape.
As CA goes, so do many other states. I don't agree with all of Brown's decisions but for the most part, am proud of my progressive state.