Lets get ready to rumble!

in politics •  4 years ago 

I don't like it, and I sure as hell don't wish for it, but this seems like a forgone conclusion at this point.

Most right-leaning people have been pretty quiet through the chaos of the last 5 yrs, remaining polite and holding on to their naive faith in the general fairness of the system and the media, confident that principles will ultimately be upheld over any specific politics.

This is the natural state of right, what it means to be a conservative. Conservatives prefer calm and stability with minimal incremental change over time. They have a long fuse. They prefer to avoid conflict, drama and swift sweeping radical change vs. feeding off of it and living for it as the "progressives" and the radical left does.

Anyway, I don't like it or wish for it, but this seems like a forgone conclusion. The tinder box is pretty full. All it will take is one spark, which would be child's play to manufacture by the left, and if they sense they are in serious danger of losing control, I'm certain they will pull that pin.

For a small, say 10-20% but a hugely powerful and influential subset of the left, whatever it takes to win and remain in power is fully justified to them because in their heart (feelings/belief) they KNOW without the slightest doubt, that their cause is righteous. They "know" it's a fight of good (us) vs. evil (them).

See this video :


This is all true and a great concise summary. All of the things mentioned I followed closely for years as they unfolded. It's a perfectly natural reaction for people to become disillusioned and angry in response to this. The arrogance, hubris, and solipsism of the leftist bubble has swollen to the point that when it finally pops, it's going to suck, hard, for all people in general, and not just in the USA.

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