My take on the US election meddling by Russia/Putin

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Quick Update on what is happening if you're out of the loop:

While intelligence gathering by foreign entities is not unusual, Russia turning on the offensive and using hacked information, as well as fake news and trolls to instill doubt on Hillary is. Republican Senator John McCain said it best, Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election amounted to an "act of war."

So I decided to go to multiple news sites to see their front page article titles regarding the new declassified information confirming Putin authorized the offensive:

Fox News: DNC's 'gross' negligence led to its hacking, Trump tweets
WSJ: Intelligence Report: Putin Aimed to Sway Election for Trump
ABC News: Putin 'Ordered' Effort to Influence US Election: Intel Report
NPR: Putin Ordered 'Influence Campaign' To Help Trump, U.S. Intelligence Report Says
RT: ‘Clinton quite effective at discrediting herself, doesn’t need Putin’s help’ - ex CIA analyst

Notice the Fox News article title focuses on the fact the DNC essentially failed to protect their information. This is like blaming someone for getting burglarized because they left their door unlocked. The crime is still a crime, Russia meddled with the intent to alter the outcome of our election.

I hope that all of you do your due diligence when receiving news, pay attention and look at multiple sources. If you don't trust sources, listen to exactly what the elected officials and the president elect is saying. You might be missing the whole story. Also, hold our soon to be president up to the highest of standards. Expect that he protects us from external adversaries, rather than praise them. Expect that he listens to our nations experts and not fugitives like Assange, and expect that he spends 100% of his time doing the best he can do preparing to run our country, not tweet about a reality TV show’s lackluster ratings. Expect that he acts less like an authoritarian benevolent "go it alone" dictator, and more like the democratically elected official that he actually is.

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It's very interesting post!
Great job..I follow you now!!


The USA by its own admission has interfered in other countries political processes, often expressing great pride in the matter. And is then shocked when someone interferes in theirs. The world rises and eyebrow in amusement.

I suspect that Trump will prove competent in the long run. However, you have only to look at Turkey to see how a democratically elected leader, with a "mission", can develop a singular approach to democracy.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science...

Great perspective, and I hope you're right about him proving to be competent.

The fundamental problem for the DNC is the contents of the email. They would like to put all the blame on Russia (and proof of that still has not been presented) but if the contents of the emails had not been damning then the hack would not have mattered.

It's like if a thief broke into someone's house and discovered 100 murder victims. Yes, what the thief did was wrong and needs to be dealt with but it doesn't excuse the murders or transfer the blame for them to the thief.

I'm not sure I agree with you on this one, but interesting perspective!

Also, DNC while they may like to put the blame on Russia, it was actually all 17 national intelligence agencies that stated this to be the case. This is not a partison issue, it is an issue all Americans should be concerned with.