A dangerous fashion
Hello steemiats, today I come to talk about the reason and logic of someone who lives every day what seems to be a fad for Latin Americans, which for me is presented as a desire to draw attention, desire to "be different", the new stupid fashion that is haunting South America, is an addiction worse than any drug, a fad that not only kills you but yours, a fad that is capable of destroying entire nations: What looks like a socialism or movement of the left, ends up being unique and dirty communism of pure and low.
Communist brainwashing
It is very easy to manipulate masses of young people who seek a kind of rebellion or go against the system, a movement that seems to take more and more power in Latin Americans, an idea that seems "pretty" an egalitarian nation for all, an idea that seems out of a utopia, the idea is magical, majestic, fantastic, but that is an idea. Living in practice, living in a state where this communist movement is practiced that seeks only to sink more and more the citizens in misery, leaves me thinking, What is the magical power that the communists have to brainwash so many people ?, the idea. Sowing thoughts that seem beautiful, an idea taken from unreality, many allow themselves to be manipulated by this fantasy of equality, of balance.
What is the truth?
The truth is that the only system that works is that of work, each person's effort to be better every day, living from an idea is useless, communism takes care of Take everything away from everyone, leaving in an equality of poverty (if all equal, but poor), is not the same as you strive to get a car, a house, a business, etc, to someone who does not strive every day to do something, sleep all day, live on what the government gives you, would you agree that the government take your things and distribute them ?, the truth does not seem fair, that is where the ambiguity of being equal or be fair. The only truth here is that the brainwashing is going back to the young socio-communist zombies.
Easy to live of parents and government, but long live the revolution.
This is what I see, a herd of young people full of laziness at work, thinking that their brilliant idea is going to take them far away, flattering a government, a movement or a man, waiting crumbs, gifts, criticizing systems like capitalism but they use cell phones, they have cars given away by their parents of course, expensive watches, branded clothes, what is criticizing these brawlers ?, children of daddy and mommy and the other side of the currency, the new man, the one who grew up with this idea as in Venezuela, grew poor, and apparently wants to keep it that way, because the government gives everything, gives money even for making a woman pregnant, and this is real (http://www.el-nacional.com/noticias/sociedad/embarazadas-recibieron-bono-700000-bolivares_219632) , live on gifts, live on government, fight for an idea that keeps them being a string of inept.
A junk fashion
I would like those who are supporting this movement and now living in a "normal" system to try a bit of this communism delight, to give them a taste of what we live young people in Venezuela every day or in Cuba, the worst fashion, the worst drug and just for pretending to be different and intellectual, that their comforts cease to exist for a couple of months, to see if they will really continue to support an empty and baseless idea. The rulers bathe in money, they have rolex, the latest model cars, while in my country, Venezuela, people are starving, inflation already exceeds the stratosphere, living here is a daily agony, and if you do not believe me try to buy something with minimum wage or even go shopping at a supermarket, this is not peace, this is not any socialist utopia, this is garbage for the people and wealth for the state.
The only way for that brainwashing of so many young Latin Americans to leave is by making them try and live a few days in communism, a few days inside the adored system they idolize, so that they go and count the truth and people choose well the leaders of the policies in their countries, so that they go down of the idolatry to personages like Che Guevara, so that they observe people as dirty as Maradona supporting this idea, they should be ashamed and not take for granted the facts, communism disguised as socialism is an idea implanted by dirty people, people of low origin, who do not want your country better, on the contrary, do not care about the country, they just want to get rich at the ribs of the three fools who follow and commemorate his idea of a social paradise. Say no to political fashions, be aware of the facts and what happens around you, do not be a social zombie, that by going against the current many times you go for it along with many more. Use your brain that for that they gave it to you, believe me that you will not want to live in a government that bets, promotes and supports social decadence.