Politics is bullshit - the simple truth

in politics •  8 years ago 

Left / right? Difference?

Are you seriously considering moderate left-wing Policies in the UK to socialist economics in Venezuela? Seriously? You believe that do you? And similarly, do you believe that anyone that votes for a hard Brexit wants to bring back Nazi style concentration camps for immigrants? Are you mad? I've heard it all over the last few years/days. On one side of the spectrum we have people shouting about community, core values, helping the disadvantaged and striving in life, and on the other hand we have a sort of similar thought too, but starting with our own countrymen. Never before have I seen a world more divided; blinded by their own Political sway to see the cold stark truth in front of them. It benefits people in power for us to be firmly divided. They've had to do this right? Who knows what would have happened if Facebook actually brought us together, fortified us through our goals and brought an uprising like the world has never seen before.

At the end of the day each and every one of us is human. We exist in this world motivated by our own gain in some form or another. Nothing we ever do is motivated by selflessness. In fact, I have come to believe that there is no such feeling as selflessness. Take me for example, even after I do a good deed for someone my veins soak up the good feeling I get from that good deed like a water starved desert dweller hunting for his next drink. A selfless act motivated by selfish needs to feel good. Whether we sit on the left of the right of Politics we're all selfishly motivated to some point regardless of which way you look at it. A disabled family member may want to see better rights for disabled people, or a debt stricken businessman that isn't allowed any financial help may be duped into thinking that it's everyone’s prerogative to struggle alone.

Selfish Motivations

Which brings me to the conclusion that we are all motivated by what we think that we deserve. A person that's not receiving the outcome that they'd hoped from in life may become angry and resentful at other successful people, or similarly a successful person may dedicate a great amount of time to charity because they feel that they receive more than they deserve; Bill gates being notorious for this. His charitable efforts have had far reaches. I know through a lifetime in the voluntary sector that we can purchase his goods at a drastically knocked down price, and, occasionally free.

For many years I slipped into depression. My intended outcome for life is not what my reality was. I suffered from depression for many years, mainly because I had envisioned myself as being rich and successful, married and with a family, but I had lived for the most part of my life alone, penniless and isolated. A hard burden to bare for anyone. Which is why I really don't believe in Politics of the deserving. People that are poor do not deserve to be poor, even if they are happy living a life of such. It tells me that the system is so unfairly stacked up against their favour that a lifetime of poverty is sometimes the best some will get. We tell people that "If only you did what I did you'll be happy" "seize the day" and yes, I am on occasion prone to doing so, but what we miss is that circumstances are unique and people are different. I know myself that I am one of the privileged few that had a glimpse and a taste of what the good life was like. My Aunties were all successful and happy. I knew something had to give way in my life to change it for the better. Some people don't have that option, or know no other way.

The rich and powerful

We argue that people with vast amounts of money rule over this world with an uncaring attitude and keep minions in their place to serve their needs. Although I really don't agree with that mentality I do understand it slightly. They were born to an entirely different set of circumstances than what I was, or you were. I had to struggle for food on some days but I expect someone like Bill Gates can barely understand the pressures of seeking a home outwith his price range. We are a people that haven't worked as hard as he has, in his mind he deserves more than the African water boy breaking his back walking and travelling 20 miles to get his family the water that they need to survive daily. In my eyes they both work hard, both of them, but in a different way.

Money. Money is the tool that divides us on such an uncaring scale and has been witness to some of the most gross inequalities of the modern world. If there was no money there would be no wars, no inequality, no Politics of the deserving and no bullshit. There would be more equality than there ever has been since a time that money came into fruition. People would be more inclined to help each other on a compassionate scale and then, we would definitely see a Politics of the deserving. Those that worked hard would be paid off for their work. A harvest of crops, for instance.

The Human Condition

I just can't underestimate the human ambition to lead and to follow. We were never this ambitious in caveman times but that was because there were a lot less of us, and humans didn't really get along outside of their own communities. Since we've seen the rise of vast communities and global communication we've seen great leaders with millions of followers. I myself, love to follow a good few of them. No matter what type of community we create, a hierarchy will always present itself and people will follow blindly as well as others will challenge leadership in quest for power. Have we outgrown ourselves? Can we evolve to embrace our differences on a global scale? Those are questions that I keep asking myself.

I like to think I'm trying my hardest to embrace everyone on an equal scale; that I'm learning and giving way to a path of understanding and enlightenment. I'm learning to understand people based on circumstances, background and social stance rather than jumping on the bandwagon with pitchforks out at what I see in front of me.

Sometimes I feel I'm too much of an idealist

Call me an idealist but I'd love to see a world where we all survive together in harmony. Where we are at peace with one another and we respect that which makes us all different. I'd love to see the gross inequalities stamped out but I'd also like to see those that make the extra effort be rewarded for their extra time. I'd just love for a better world. For the right and the left to come together and stand as one.

I know, wishful thinking.

As Charles Darwin famously noted,

It is not those that lead that will survive the test of time; it will be those that are able to adapt and be at one with the changing environment around them

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Truth! Couldn't agree anymore!
We have to stop putting all of our hopes and dreams in politicians and start building a great future on our own!
Maybe starting here on steemit :)

The future is with God. That's it. You, or anyone else, can't do it alone.

you got it buddy. :)

Good point

Great idea. One step at a time though! :)

I beleieve that blockchain technology will give us freedom from governmental control however they are not happy and will do everything to jump in and control...isnt it? good post @raymondspeaks

Thank you sir! But remember, even in blockchain technology there are winners/losers and whales/minnows oe those that haven't even adopted it yet.

Good point sir, I agree with you.

In fact, I have come to believe that there is no such feeling as selflessness.

I believe to be seen as a moral person has a lot of advantages in society and that is the reason why we act moral.

Very nice text so far, I will comment more when I finish the read, just didnt want to forget that important point ;)

That's very true - really good point. I like your point!

I reeeeeeaaallly like your text. I read a lot of stuff that I disagree with lately. It feels good to see someone very similar minded. Can you credit the source of the picture you used, please?

Thanks - I enjoy meeting people of link-minded stature. I'm going to follow you and read your stuff now. Hah.

The picture is from pixabay.com and can be found if you search for 'politics' - from pixabay no attribution is needed :)

Hi, logged on my personal account so I can give my 3 cents ;D. Being @politics-trail is still a very new adventure to me.

I see myself as a radical socialist. I don't want to get rid of money, it is a useful tool. But the way it is used and handled, ie central banks, is just wrong. My main goal is to create a society where nobody has to fear for his survival and lets the creativity of people flourish, because of that.

I saw many crazy left-wingers these last days, who peddled msm storylines. Made me wonder if it is really a good assestment to call myself left.

With more people like you on left, I think I could be proud of my ideological community again.

Oh, and I also credit myself for pictures when I use selfmade photos or drawings. I think it is just helpful for curators. But hey I dont want to violently press my opinion on you, like our anarchist friends would put it ;).

It's interesting that you say that. I don't know where on the left to place myself but I do know that I'm leftist. I've recently been watching people of the left denomination peddle such demands out of a core feeling of jealousy rather than genuinely wanting prosperity for all.

I understand that times are tough right now, and people have been unfairly treated but in times like these it's better to come together than divide. I'm going to be unaffected with all my savings in crypto yet I still voted for leftist Policies. It's too damn right that I pay my fair share.

I cannot vote left. Quotas, minimum wage, pro-EU. I cannot support people who peddle this. The last time I voted was 2 years ago for the AfD, when they were still an anti-EU party and not just another anti-immigration party.

I disagree with anti-immigration. I think it boosts culture and economy, but that's only my opinion

In order for politics to call itself that term, the world of business would need to look different. All they always do is try keep their power while getting in contact with influencial (rich) people who help each other stay powerful and influencial. The idealist politician would need a, backbone fundament based on reason, not money. if logic and compassion was giving power instead of resourses, the world would look much different

You are so right there. Right now in the UK the current government are trying to tight-fistedly hold on to power by siding with a fundamentalist group that could see peace in Ireland break down.

All to hold on to power :/

Yea, they blackmail and destroy each other's careers. game of thrones lol

When I read your post, I find myself nodding my head up and down, just agreeing with all I'm reading. The Critical Theory, Marxism, and the Systems Theory springs to (my) mind.

I'm not a full marxist, I do believe in better benefits for those that work better. Like the man playing xbox games all day I think should get less than the man selling his time on xbox to youtube as a content creator! But both should be entitled to a good quality of life. I'll have to look up those theories :)

Funny how I mentioned in my introduction, that I will have a 0 tolerance for swearwords and one of the first articles I upvote has "bullshit" in the title.

Guess rules are made to be broken ^^

That is very true!

Brexit is a good thing. I can't believe that Europe EVER allowed a bunch of unelected idiots to "run the show."

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The Bible clearly tells you what you need to know about the current state of the world.

Venezuela is the end result of left-wing policies. Where do you think the UK is headed? I suggest you read about history, economics and socialism.

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."

My intention was not to divide but to bring together. The post was about seeing past our Political differences :)

My intention was to tell you that in reality it isn't going to happen until Jesus returns.

The divisions, at least here in the United States, are being caused by the destruction of the almighty dollar. Those who are not intelligent enough to invest wisely and counter that destruction are doomed to a life of poverty that will get worse. Both parties in the United States are bad. In my opinion, the democrats are worse. My point is that you can't disconnect "printing money out of thin air" with poverty and war.

Bill Gates has gone into "philanthropy" as a way of pursuing his eugenics ideologies and do more widespread harm than he would have been able to under Microsoft. They push dangerous vaccines, GMOs as a means of culling, sterilisation and depopulation. Their foundation recently got kicked out of India.

I didn't know that! Interesting!