Gifs of last nights NoG20 riots in Hamburg

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Burning barricades, looting, and, most of all, massive police violence with water cannons, tear gas, batons and pepper spray. That was the last night in Hamburg. In the Schanzenviertel an autonomous zone was created for 4 hours. Somehow balancing, since there were state zones in the city, in which every opinion and the freedom of demonstration no longer existed and were forbidden. In addition, many critical journalists were deprived of their accreditation by the state without reason. Here some Gifs I made. This is what democracy looks like!

Brennende Barrikaden, Plünderungen und vor allem massive Polizeigewalt mit Wasserwerfern, Tränengas, Schlagstöcken und Pfefferspray. Das war die letzte Nacht in Hamburg. Im Schanzenviertel entstand für 4 Stunden eine autonome Zone. Irgendwie balancierend, da es in der Stadt staatliche Zonen gab, in denen jede Meinungsäußerung und die Demonstrationsfreiheit nicht mehr existierten und verboten waren. Außerdem wurde vielen kritischen Journalisten vom Staat ohne Grund ihre Akkreditierung entzogen. Hier ein paar Gifs die ich dort gemacht habe. This is what democracy looks like!

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Pretty crazy stuff!

Exactly like that!



it would be a normal day in france

Red wine n' riots...

Why would that be a normal day in France? I've heard odd stories here and there, but haven't personally been back to France in many years, so I'm very curious.

Omg I had no idea..

Now you have :/

Shameful attitude shown here.