Vesti: Savvy Entrepreneur Will Run Against Putin in Presidential Race as Communist Party Candidate

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

"The Communist Party of Russia nominated Pavel Grudinin. He's the director of a millionaire-sovkhoz in the Moscow Region." - Vesti

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He may run, but Putin will win. This guy is only a straw-man candidate to make it seem like Putin has been legitimately chosen as the leader of Russia.

why all these 'straw-men' are supported by the west then? stop being pro-American russophobe,write down actual laws you wanna pass and Russian people will vote for you, there's plenty of other small parties with patriotic leaders who are pro-Putin who don't even get the media coverage Navalny and Sobchyak gets, like Starikov, he's actualy someone to be considered to become a leader of a huge party and an actual opposition of United Russia,I would even replace Medvedev with Starikov, why Putin isn't supporting these people? why only liberals get to go to elections while actual pro-Russian parties can't? United Russia are liberals by their policies, if not Putin, they would have pushed plenty more shity laws,otherwise all United Russia does is push out opposite law of Putin's then cancel it and push out Putin's law, Communist party isn't that communist,democratic liberals with Zhyrik aren't good either, they have no idea how to build strong economy, ones do nothing,others privatize everything. While there are plenty of conservative parties who know how to build the economy.

Putin will win, not because of some "straw-man', but because he is genuinely popular.
He has over 80% approval rating from people of Russia.
And for your info, in every election Putin ran and won there were at least 4-5 opposition candidates representing multiple political parties and independents.
As there will be in this one.
Russia has dozens of political parties and many will nominate candidates.
Putin is a legitimate leader of Russia, regardless if you like it or not.

Putin has 80% approval because the people are smart enough not to mention there true thoughts on Putin. Would you oppose Putin in Russia? I wouldn't. As to the point about Russia being some wonderful example of the democratic processes because they have more than one straw-man party seems to me only to prove the point that it is just a vial of authoritarian government run by Putin; To pretend it is anything else is FAKE NEWS.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are full of dis-information about Putin and lack basic knowledge about Russia.
Putin is in fact opposed by a many political parties and politicians and a relatively small, but very loud part of the population. He is attacked and criticized daily in multiple TV and newspaper reports.
Russian people are smart enough to make up own minds about whom to support and don't need your smug patronizing. Mind your own corrupt regime libertyboy.

If it makes you feel any better, I am under no illusion that the west is any better. "Democracy" is only a vial for private interest to manipulate the masses. WIth that said, I am sure in Russia, Putin has done a wonderful job of making elections seem fair and balanced...but just because it 'feels' like it is, doesn't mean it is. I will continue to criticize all those who are opposed to individual liberty, which includes your beloved Tzar, President Putin.

Putin's support is genuine. You can believe whatever you want and I agree about "democracy", but you are wrong claiming that Putin, who is not at tsar, but an elected and re-elected leader of Russia "opposed to individual liberty". It is simply untrue.