SJW's VS Nazi's

in politics •  7 years ago 

I feel like the majority of our coming-of-age generation is consumed by political dogma. You're either a SJW or a NAZI. I wanted to understand this phenomenon so I integrated with some /pol/ users on a private discord channel. I choose the right-wing NAZI's because I feel like the right is more rational than the left I also voted Trump. What I found was a young generation that was full of anger and resentment. Although I don't disagree with the claim of white-genocide completely, part of it is their own fault. This generation is so lost, confused and scared it's actually sad.

What is the cause of their resentment? Each side causes the others' resentment but I will try my best to elaborate. Reminder that I'm speaking on behalf of the NAZI's. First off NAZI is a derogatory slang term used to for national socialists. I introduced myself as the white half-jew I am and was immediately called out for my Jewishness even though I'm Christian American with Jewish heritage. Ahah, their resentment is blamed on the Jews and the Jewish question. No doubt there are many bad Jews in the world but it's not like you can just go 1940's on them. Any demographic has its share of good and bad guys. Anyway the Jewish question is a whole other story. So I explained to them that I am just an American who happens to be a direct descendant of a soldier in the Wehrmacht, the army of the movement that they all LARP about. Further discussion with these white nationalists really opened my eyes to the cause of their anger which I will now try to explain in better detail.

I believe indoctrination through the system of education is partially to blame. Many of these young white males were stuck in the service industry. They had no way of escaping without the completing the full list of bureaucratic requirements that they were indoctrinated into believing. As a journeyman in the skilled-trades I offered advice and that advice was to just fucking go and do it. Everyone starts at the bottom as an apprentice and currently our labor force is so skimpy that the only requirement to be given a shot on the job is to show up to work with a pulse. This was actually a wide-awakening for many of these children. They had no idea that they could be anything they wanted to be so long as they worked hard at it. It was almost as if I lifted a huge weight off their shoulder by telling them that the formalities in the bureaucratic indoctrination they believed were mostly mythical.

Why do I care and why is this important? Consider the Arab Spring. It started out as a peaceful demonstration of young coming-of-age students. It quickly turned violent. Why? Because these young students had nothing to do and no means of procuring the things they wanted or needed. An abundance of idle hands does not yield favorable results. When you see or hear about these massive protests going on all across the country at different college campuses does this not make your heart hurt? Put down the political differences and support our democratic system of governance and laws. Give these young men and women something to do. Do not let their hands go idle or the Purple Revolution will happen.

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