The anti-terrorist exercises that came true.

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)


Four significant terrorist events since 2000 – in addition to the tragedies – have had one thing in common: In all four cases, official anti-terror exercises were held either just before or simultaneously with the ”real” terrorist acts. And in all four cases, authorities experienced almost exactly what really happened.The number of terrorist incidents in recent years may seem to grow, as authorities everywhere prepare for the “war on terror” with increasingly frequent exercises. The exercises must be as real as possible, often with the participation of trained and directed ”crisis actors”, making exercise scenarios very realistic.In four cases in recent times, the authorities have held exercises at the same time as ”real” terrorist events actually occurred: 11 September 2001 in New York, 7 July 2005 in London, England, July 22, 2011 at Utøya, Norway, and finally again in the U.S.A. at the Boston Marathon bombing April 15, 2013.

The “Breivik” attack on Utøya, Norway
The terrorist attack in Oslo and on Utøya in July 2011 was a direct extension of an official terror exercise, with virtually identical content compared to the reality that unfolded. In the preceding four days and on that fateful Friday, the Norwegian terror corps trained to handle ”a mobile terror attack where the only goal of one or more terrorists was to shoot as many civilians as possible, and attack police on arrival”. The exercise was completed at 15.00 and anti-terror troops – including the crew of the police helicopter – were sent home on vacation.At 15:26 a bomb exploded in the government quarter in the Norwegian Capital Oslo. As the Oslo attack took place, the police helicopter sat on the airfield at Oslo Airport Gardermoen, the crew were already sent on vacation. A phone call from police at 16:50 requested Armed Forces assistance from Rygge military aircraft station. Due to procedure, a written request was necessary, which arrived at. 18:21.Further adding to the confusion, at 17:30 the police received the reports of shootings on the small holiday island of Utøya, just 30km from Oslo. Normally, they could be at Utøya eight minutes later, but because of the events in Oslo, and the recently concluded exercise – where police had trained rapid response in any given situation – the anti-terror team would have to re-group and could attend from around 18:30. Eventually at 19:30, when everything was over, the Armed Forces helicopter arrived in the air over Utøya. The Police’s own holiday stricken helicopter, still on the ground at Gardermoen, took off at 21:08 that evening.The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reported on the emergency service exercise just once, on the 26th August 2011 with the title: ”Terror Corps went right from training to action”The Norwegian authorities were aware of Anders Behring Breivik and had followed his movements for months. UN, Interpol and over 70 member states in the world customs organization participated in ”Operation Global Shield”, which had already put the spotlight on Breivik when he in December 2010 purchased aluminum powder and aluminum nitrate through a Polish distributor. Customs authorities became concerned and announced this to the Norwegian Police Security Service in March 2011. It was decided at the time not to further investigate the case, the reason being that Breivik was not already registered as dangerous or suspicious. Similarly, the Norwegian Civil Defense Directorate were informed, who in turn informed the Ministry of Justice. They did nothing.After the attack on Utøya the Norwegian appointed July 22 Commission concluded that ”the bomb attack against the government quarter in Oslo could have been prevented if the already adopted security measures had been implemented effectively. Moreover, if the security measures had been effectively implemented, a faster police response would have been possible at Utøya and the perpetrator – Anders Behring Breivik – could have been arrested earlier”, the report said.

The terrorist bombings in London 7/7
Ex-Scotland Yard anti-terror operative Peter Power, then Director of one of England’s largest crisis training companies, appeared on BBC Radio 5 a few hours after the terrorist attack. Here is a direct transcript of what he said:“At half-past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London, based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright!”He continues the interview (direct transcript): ”we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they’d met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.”So: the exercise that was meticulously organized, unfolded suddenly as reality.The opinions have aroused much debate on the Internet, and Peter Powers has since emphasized that there is nothing suspicious in the coincidence between exercises and reality:In 2008, he followed up with additional comments, to help mitigate the many conspiracy theories:– It is not unusual that an exercise becomes a reality, he said, explaining the coincidence that both his company – and the real terrorists – had selected certain subway stations, notably from that there were many Jewish interests in this area, including a major Jewish newspaper, he explains on the company’s website.This does not explain however – according to CBS News, Associated Press and The Guardian – how Scotland Yard were able to contact the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before the first bombs exploded, and just warn the embassy of a planned bomb attack in central London. The Israeli defense minister Meir Dagan later distanced these initial reports and said officially that the embassy had never been warned.Similarly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited London and was accordingly been warned by his embassy not to participate in a planned conference at the Great Eastern Hotel, near the bomb stricken Liverpool subway station.A year before there were others who were warned. According to Newsweek, 17 November 2004, reports of planned terrorist attacks in London were at the time so serious, that FBI agents stationed at the American Embassy avoided the most popular underground stations.

Boston bombings
As the Boston Marathon would be held on 04.15.2013, the authorities planned a large-scale terrorist exercise. There were lots of military, police and special forces, and the runners were even told via loudspeaker vans that they should not be worried – it was just an exercise.– There were people on rooftops with binoculars, police dogs walking around with their handlers, says one of several eyewitnesses.After the arrest of the two main suspects, Police Commissioner Ed Davis from the Boston Police said the following to Fox News:

”I am convinced that those we caught were the two actors … the two individuals who were behind this”.

The “two actors” were the words of the police commissioner. This confusion can be justified, as it is normal for authorities to use actors as part of various terrorist and disaster drills. In the United States there are several companies that specialize in supplying these ”crisis actors”, some of whom are veterans, for example. with amputated limbs and therefore can easily make-up to realistically play an injured victim. Officially, this is known as Hyper-realistic training.In Boston, the authorities were certainly in place with the whole set, as the terrorist event took place. Within minutes, the city was under martial law, the military patrolled the streets and conducted house searches without a warrant. Hundreds of people were ordered out of their houses and saw themselves surrounded by military forces.Journalist and author Jim Fetzer calls the Boston event the worst played false flag operation in recent times and suggests, among other things, that evidently there were no spectators, where the bomb burst.Photos taken a second after detonation indicate that the audience for the race had been divided by a 5-8 meter wide belt, where nobody was standing. It was here that the bomb burst.
Recently, the well-known radio host Glenn Beck stood up and demanded that President Obama takes responsibility for the action as a false flag operation.

September 11, 2001
It is known that America’s air defenses were “otherwise engaged” on 11 September 2001 as large-scale exercises took place over Canadian airspace, where the scenario this time included exercises involving the hijacking of civil aircraft. Fewer know that at the very same time, and just 40km from the Pentagon, the CIA were also running a training exercise that envisaged an aircraft crashing into a building. Both scenarios played out that day, coinciding almost identically to the events unfolding in reality.In Canada, exercise ”Global Guardian” practiced military responses to hijacked civilian airliners, and at the nearest military CIA facility in Washington, the CIA Chantilly Virginia National Reconnaissance Office, the stage was set for a LearJet with two pilots and four passengers to crash into the building. The scheduled aircraft impact time for this CIA exercise was at. 9:32, which was in fact, just five minutes before the Pentagon was actually hit.NORAD had that day and for several days previously been busy with exercise ”Vigilant Guardian”, a computer simulated emergency drill involving the hijacking of civilian airliners. They would test preparedness in the event of a hijacked airliner hitting the World Trade Center. The airliner in the exercise was scheduled to be hijacked at around. 09:40. Exercise participants sat in the control room of EADS (Eastern Air Defense Center) on the former Griffiss Air Force Base in New York and awaited the first mock calls reporting a hijacking. The call came early at. 08:38, when traffic controller Joseph Cooper from the FAA Boston Center telephoned the famous announcement: ”We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and … we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.”At the same time, at the National Reconnaissance Office in Virginia, 39 km from the Pentagon, staff prepared for another disaster exercise, this time an accident, but showing remarkable similarity and with only a five minute time difference to the actual events that almost simultaneously occurred at the Pentagon. Exercise scenario was as follows: ”A LearJet with two pilots and four passengers would get problems a few minutes after takeoff, lose altitude and at. 9:32, crash into Tower 2 on NRO facility in Virginia. A smoke generator would then start to simulate the crash, and 9:37 were Fairfax fire department to arrive. Debris had been spread on the lawn in front of the building, which was sprayed with jet fuel that would ignite. Large pieces of debris would remain at the buildings between Tower 1 and Tower 2, and there would be a greater number of dead and wounded. ”Finally, the City of New York’s Office of Emergency Management, which was housed in World Trade Center Building 7, were in the process of finalizing a terrorist exercise that should have started the day after. More than 1,000 police were called and would play civilian casualties after a complete attack on the town with biological warfare. Operation Tripod, as it was officially called, was canceled due to the events of September 11 and instead conducted May 22 the following year.This whole mess of exercises under NORAD, the military, FEMA and the CIA was coordinated by the newly established Office of National Preparedness in FEMA, where Vice President Dick Cheney had been appointed the senior manager on May 8, 2001 and which aimed inter alia, to ”coordinate all government programs of mass destruction preparedness ”

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Great article! :)

Thanks ;)