Why I love Bernie Sanders and Always WillsteemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  7 years ago 


Look, when it came down to it I voted for Hilary just like everyone else because I knew Trump was a madman idiot from the one apprentice episode I saw. I've always disliked the guy and knew he was the definition of incompetent. Plus it was pretty apparent to anyone that has any amount of sense that he's a scam artist and grifter and that he is dumb as a box of rocks. Good lord is he dumb!

But let me tell you, even though I voted for Hilary, I was not happy about it. I voted for Bernie in the primary, and was pissed he lost, just livid. Now I'm hearing that he might run in 2020 and I'm hoping he does because....


Look, I'm an unashamed lefty, but GOODNESS grief were my fellow progressives pissing me off during the primaries. "Bernie isn't doing enough to reach out to the black community, Bernie does not have a strong policy for women and inequality, blah blah blah..." don't you fools get it?? So many of these problems could be solved by pushing to get money out of politics and addressing economic inequality. It is literally step 1!


omg if I hear one more person say "his policies are unrealistic, they are not doable, he has no real plan." UMMM, hello?? Has no one ever negotiated? If we start close to center, we will end up right of center; you have to start so far left so that when compromises happen they will still be acceptably progressive policies. Plus, who are you to say what is possible or not? It's because of @berniesanders that single payer is even a remote possibility right now.


The guy says what he means and means what he says. Hilary always tried to deflect any faults she has, and would often lie. Trump lies so often I fully believe he is incapable of telling the truth. He is a garbage person. Guess what people? Electing someone who is a good person to office will result in good things happening in office... Trump is proof electing a clown to office gets us a circus.

Please Bernie, please run in 2020. The world needs you now more than ever....

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Even though I might not agree with some of your views, I tend to blame "left" for a lot of damage to country's (mostly because there just claiming to be social and silencing all there components) I surely like the way you want to make your voice heard and care for your country. If we start giving up on voting the bad guys have won for sure. It's just a pity there are not often many good choices to make. Just try to pick "the less evil one" and stay involved! Have a good day!

Oh yeah, I think at the end of the day we all want what's best for society, just have different ideas on how to get there. Hopefully some heroes step up and run for office so we have better options.

Sounds like a plan! Would be good to have some new blood floowing in! :-)

Somebody needs to borrow Grandpa Bernie a Superman costume !

He would look good in it too!

Bernie Sanders wouldn't have been possible without crowdfunding. Hilary wanted Bernie to do well because he was attracting the young crowd into politics so if she won the primary which she did she would receive his new demographic of young voters.

Don't believe me?

You literally fell for it.

I have a huge problem with the validity of Wikileaks's documents, but even if this is correct, Bernie was absolutely not part of the plan. He was terrible about motivating his followers to vote for Hilary and often undercut her, purposeful or not. Also I'm not sure why a campaign strategy is a scandal....

I have a problem with the validity of anything, CNN, foxnews, everything.

That being said I don't mind Bernie he was awesome to watch during the election the way he tore Hilary a new one during the primaries.

It seems very dishonest to make people support someone set up to lose and have them think it's "Their idea" in order to get their votes later. Isn't that manipulation at its finest? Not saying it's necessarily a scandal because both parties do this but if it doesn't make you question the truth and motive of these highly elected officials then idk.

Hope you have a good day

It's not that I don't think they're corrupt, I do, but I don't think Bernie was a part of that plan. I just think Hilary's team tried to use his momentum to their advantage. Thank you for taking the time to comment here!

wikileaks WikiLeaks tweeted @ 23 Oct 2016 - 21:47 UTC

Clinton strategy for front group to astroturf progressive youth into working for Clinton (see "Attachments")… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Bernie Saunders like all other life long politicians are leeches upon the people.

Voting is a game we are allowed to play every few years if voting changed anything it would be banned.

Until enough people wake up and vote "none of the above" we are stuck with this game, best not to play it.

I do not agree, but I appreciate your viewpoint. I would rather vote than do nothing, as I want my opinion and voice on record. And I think there is a world of difference between someone like Trump and someone like Bernie. I would definitely rather have Bernie...

You could elect Mother Theresa and you would just get more of the same, more death, invasions, kill lists, drone bombings and more endless debt. They are all the same liar's cheats and thieves.

Trump is finding that the "art of the deal" is simply not enough when it comes to dealing with life long swamp like politicians.

Trump is now just like any other lying politician.

Voting to decide who will screw you. Do I want the Reds or the Blues to steal half my hard earned salary.

Well I agree with you there. Our two party system is the definition of corruption, but I still think there's room to take down those forces from the outside in. I have to have hope things can change, and blockchain technology gives me that hope.