Tillerson is Ousted as Reports Swirl of Schism in White House

in politics •  7 years ago 

On Monday, Mr Tillerson appeared to depart from White House talking points when he backed British authorities in blaming the Kremlin for the poisoning of a former Russian spy near his home in southern England.

The secretary of state said the nerve agent attack "clearly came from Russia" and "certainly will trigger a response".

But earlier in the day the White House declined to point the finger at Russia.

Reports have swirled of a schism in the Trump administration between the commander-in-chief and his top diplomat, as the US faces a host of vexatious foreign policy conundrums, from North Korea to Iran.

Read More at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43388723

In other news:

It's unsettling to see how often someone leaves this administration, and how often it seems to happen amid disagreement with Trump's "Official Story."

In other news the Republican House Committee, after not investigating anyone involved found that there was no collusion with Russia. I think they may have been in a cave for this investigation, or they would know that. Tom Rooney (R) claims "We have gone completely off the rails" with this. - http://fox2now.com/2018/03/12/republican-member-of-house-intel-committee-says-it-has-lost-all-credibility/

Finally, in a move I actually agree with, Trump blocked the merger between Broadcom and Qualcomm citing national security concerns. Aside from the security concerns mergers like this reduce competition and often cause a lot of inefficiency within a corporation, at least in the short term. - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/12/technology/trump-broadcom-qualcomm-merger.html

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Throw another log on the Trumpster Fire in DC.

The hard core Trumpers are using terms like "abnormal turnover", when really this is becoming an exodus. Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos are targets for the next round.

Meanwhile, Trump himself is visiting San Diego (my current home) to check out his wall.... so get ready for him to slip in comments about keeping promises about his wall for the next month.

And the closure of the Russian Investigation.... complete crap. They are rolling over for fear of another temper-tantrum aimed at them.

Trump announced it in an all CAPS tweet .. America is in free fall. Did he fire him because he is against war with Iran? Because he knows Trump isnt ready to sit down with North Korea? Because he dared criticize Russia? This admin is in Putin's pocket, Trump is an asset for Putin. Insane times. We need to impeach him ASAP ...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment