Why Do Trump Supporters Think Their Shit Doesn't Stink?

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've encountered Trumpeteers NOT only on here, but on Facebook as well! They have the attitude that they are JUST BETTER than everyone else! They are arrogant & self-serving, just like their Orange Leader. You can't talk to ANY of them because they are JUST NOT LISTENING! Not even to Trump himself! They are in Bizzaro World, a warped looking glass structure where backward is forward, up is down, in is out. Trump could march over their bones & they'd still kiss his ass! There are millions of us that wonder why Trump is so mesmerizing! He's the Pied Piper of Conservative Teabaggers leading them all to the river to drown them in the murky waters of fear & treachery. Trump has said this himself, he could shoot people & STILL not lose ANY votes! Hell he could screw their unwed daughters & still have them obey! All he really does is manipulate the media, and forces his Fascist Will onto people. He's definitely NOT a 'good' guy. He is laughing at how naive & gullible his minions are! He's absolutely compassionless. He's insulted Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, Women...etc.

It's high time the TRUTH was told! God have mercy on your souls! Because I wont!
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"Clinton is wrong within normal parameters" - P.J. O'Rourke

I also downvoted the hateful comments, well, just because society needs a lot less of that.

because they are Trump supporters. They cant smell shit because of all the glue they have been huffing.

Hey! Pump me up! Vote! Also whatever you need pumped up let me know!

i started following you. wow that sounds creepy as fuck

It's not as creepy as having an 'insane' cyber-stalker attacking you personally on all your posts & comments...This platform is in bad need of a 'purge'...if anybody excessively follows you & constantly insults you...You CAN go to law enforcement about it...thanx for following me!

It's the glue talking, I'm sure he doesn't know what he is saying.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I'm giving you but ONE warning...I've repeatedly told you to get off my back & leave me alone which you fail to do...If you continue to 'stalk' me on this platform...I'm NOT only going to involve steemit management...I will definitely involve law enforcement...Get it?...now LEAVE ME ALONE!


Does anyone here think there was a difference between Bush's administration and Obama's? Obama only added to Bush's policies and got even worst--- Too big to fail --- Too big to Jail --- Double tap drone strikes (that's when they bomb a place then wait for help like ambulances to show up and bomb it again) --- he made legal to kill americans abroad and domestic without trial --- etc..etc..

I must add for those that had forgotten that Romney and Obama both said their HealthCare plans were pretty much the same during their election! How much evidence do people need before they wake up to the fact that federal elected officials are nothing more than puppet/scapegoats for the policy makers?

The central bank writes the checks to the Government yet they want everybody to believe that the bank is the employee? Ask yourselves what kind of legit elected official would allow total control of their Nation's currency to a few families?
why vote at all and perpetuate a scam? just my 2 cents

The constitutional duty of the executive branch is to execute existing law including immigration law. Ironically Trump is called a racist and a hater for promising to fulfill the constitutionally mandated duties of his office. Duties which Obama neglected and Hillary promises not to do.

I don't know if that Wikileaks leak to put Hillary in jail will be coming out now. It looks as though the person likely leaking some of this from within the DNC was killed. Check out the documentary (youtube it) called The Clinton Murders. You'll see this has happened quite an extensive amount of times around the Clintons going all the way back to their time in Arkansas.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

What's Trump got in the bag...YOUR BALLS?

Too bad you didn't stay for the 'kill'...but that's what I expected...chickensh!t!