Double standards? Russia v Saudi Arabia

in politics •  7 years ago 

We are living in worrying times. I live in the UK and our politics is filled with talks about Russia after the recent poisoning attack.
What i have to question is how they an say these things about Russia yet roll out the red carpet for Saudi Arabia!!
This is blatant double standards and in my view, Saudi Arabia have presented more of a threat to the UK than any other nation.

I have watched with interest as the rhetoric against Russia has been turned up to 11 in recent years. I have watched as NATO and rich billionaires in the west formented and funded a revolution on Russia's doorstep in Ukraine.
I have watched troops being stationed along with missile systems, along the border of Russia in previously soviet, Balkan countries, often against fierce local opposition.

Most recently there has been a poisoning in the UK and it's being attributed to Vladimir Putin. A double agent spy, who worked for Russia and UK was poisoned with his daughter. This has created a diplomatic crisis and is being used to ramp up more pressure on Russia before the world cup.
I don't know who poisoned this spy and his daughter. What i do know is that he is a spy with no loyalties and could have been poisoned by many people, in fact it could be suicide etc.
Much is now being said about Russia. That Vladimir Putin is one of the worlds richest men and he's stolen that money from the Russian people as they are poor.

Why don't the government and their wealthy backers ever condemn Saudi Arabia? Never! In fact they do the opposite. I remember recently that there was much congratulation and metaphorical back slapping of Saudi Arabia recently for their excellent reformation...........By letting women(maybe), drive!! If this wasn't so serious this would be unbelivable ironic humour!! It has to be a joke, surely.
Saudi kill their own citizens, rule over them, have stolen all the wealth and don't even hide the fact, in fact the opposite, they glory in it with the wealthy of the west.
They export the worst kind of ideology which kills people in the west every day. they attack other nations and fund terrorists and radical mosques world wide.

All of this is just propaganda aimed at creating hostilities with Russia. Its being caused by wealthy globalists and Donald Trump knows this.
Wouldn't a war be a great thing for wealthy globalist conspirators? For governments and central banks it will be a great way to cover the collapse of the fractional reserve system.
Don't fall for this propaganda. When governments start to appeal to a nations sense of patriotism, it's time to start worrying. When nations start using this type of rhetoric against another nation it has historically been on the slipery slope to war.
If you realize the precarious position that the fractional reserve system is in, if you realize that our governments of recent years are just vehicles for the rich to steal our wealth, then you should also realize that they are looking for an "exit strategy". Put all this together and it paints a very grim picture indeed...

Our only hope is:

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I'm in the UK too and you are absolutely right about Saudi Arabia getting away with murder! Did you hear Boris Johnson compare Putin to Hitler yesterday!?

Me too..i live in Bristol. Our city fell victim to Islamic asylum seekers from somalia..
Boris Johnson is a cock. our whole liberal estabishment are corrupt and useless

There is a s**t load of propaganda. I mean if that guy was a double agent, can you really blame Russia for getting rid of him? Isn't that protecting national interest? Wouldn't UK have done the same? The only difference would have been that UK would be much more discreet. Also like you said, Saudi Arabia literally gets away with murder everyday. But none of that come in the media. Only selective content approved by certain people will ever get to the eyes and ears of the general public. Unfortunately that's just the times that we live in.

I'm with you there. A huge crash is coming and you can bet more false flags to cover it. We are seeing the first stages of a financial crash..
This could be crypto's gain...