Hezbollah Organization Explored

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)


"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were used by several Anti Zionist organizations to expose the endgame of the Rothschild Zionists but somehow the current leaders of Hezbollah has actively avoided mentioning this document.For this organization to be considered to be the "tip of the spear" against the rising tide of Rothschild Zionism, this organization has to be examined critically with as little bias as possible."~TSR Editor


Throughout the decades, the Lebanese organization "Hezbollah" has been a key player Middle Eastern politics from being an influential entity on a nation's government to helping determine the fate of several civil wars in several muslim countries across the globe, it has been an organization surrounded not only by its fair share of controversies and adversaries but also surrounded by some arduous supporters and allies.

To understand where Hezbollah fits into grand geopolitical chessboard, one can look at the ideology of its leaders and their actions.

Hezbollah has been seen as a defender of the Lebanese people against Zionist Imperialism by some in Lebanon but also seen as a border guard for Israel by some of the Sunni population in certain Gulf States.


The Hezbollah organization was founded by a man named Subhi Al Tufayli (صبحي الطفيلي‎)who wished to not only protect the Lebanese people but also defend the Palestinians in Palestine from Western imperialism & Soviet aggression via their then client state, Israel.

Abbas al Moussawi (عباس الموسوي‎)was the co-founder of Hezbollah who actively warned against ignoring the actions of Israel and has said that Israel is the source of most if not all calamities in the Middle East.
He made it abundently clear that Israel was the entity that controlled most nations around the world.

Hassan Nusrallah (حسن نصرالله‎)is the current leader of Hezbollah who unlike his predecessors claim " America control Israel the same way the British Empire controlled Israel" and seemingly implying that somehow if American influence is no more in Israel then somehow Israel would no longer be apartheid and even made ridiculous assertions about how the Zionist lobby somehow does not really exist but instead the mystical American oil corporations and Christian Zionism somehow controls Israel.

Like his current benefactor and good friend Freemason Bashar Al Assad, he believes the official narrative behind 9/11 where its Al Qaeda and the Saudis being responsible for the attacks while ignoring the Israeli role in 9/11.

He became the leader of Hezbollah after Abbas al Moussawi was assassinated by the Israeli Military and the MOSSAD.
Nusrallah had an interesting past and for years have been viewed as the "real Anti Zionist" compared to Saudi militias and the rest of the Muslim Brotherhood affiliates across the Middle East.

Nusrallah used to be a member of the Amal Movement in Lebanon who fought against the PLO(Palestinian Liberation Organization) since Amal Movement cronies were backed by Hafez Al Assad(Bashar's father who was closely affiliated with the Russian Jewish Mafia and with their help overthrew Israel's biggest enemy and ruler of Syria at the time,Jadid Al Salah) and Assad was desperate to please his Freemason friends and Jacob Rothschild by keeping Israel's border safe and untouchable by any local Sunni/Shia militia that ever attempts to liberate Palestine from the Zionist occupiers.

Nusrallah welcomed Iranian money into Hezbollah even after the Iranian government openly said that these funds were to "rehabilitate" Hezbollah.

While both of his predecessors were wary of increasing Iranian influence in the Hezbollah movement with Subhi al Tufayli even going as far as to say that the Iranians were more interested in pursuing Persian empirical interests than caring about the Palestinians or the Lebanese, Nusrallah openly embraced the Iranians and went as far as to ask Ayatollah Khamenai for guidance and even became friendly with controversial Shia Militias such as the Dawa Movement (which helped Bush overthrow Saddam Hussein).

Musa Al Sadr's Mysterious Death

Former self proclaimed members of the Amal Movement openly accuse Nusrallah & Iran with colluding with the Libyan regime to assassinate Musa Al Sadr the leader of the Amal Movement at the time who opposed the Lebanese Civil War.The moment he arrived in Libya, Musa Al Sadr mysteriously disappeared and to this day no one knows what happened to him or whether he is still alive.

To this day, his mysterious death still causes distrust between Lebanese militias and the Baathists.

Musa Al Sadr's opposition to his movement being involved in a seemingly pointless civil war(where the Amal Movement eventually fought against the PLO) seemed to have destroyed the hegelian dialectic that was meant to get both the Lebanese and the Palestinians to kill each other while the politicians in Israel would rejoice at the sight of Arabs killing each other.

Abbas Al Moussawi's Assassination

Meanwhile other self proclaimed former members of Hezbollah accuse Nasrallah of colluding with Israel to assassinate his predecessor Abbas al Moussawi since according to them, assassinating Abbas al Moussawi was near impossible for Israelis unless there was a person on the inside who was colluding with Israel to get rid of him and with Moussawi gone, Nusrallah could become the new leader of Hezbollah.

Since Nusrallah and Israel are seemingly the only ones to have everything to gain from
the death of Moussawi, their theory is not entirely far fetched.

For the past decade, Nusrallah has been regurgitating the same rhetoric against Israel while basically doing nothing that could seriously damage the illegitimate Tel Aviv regime.

Nusrallah also popularized the Roman Salute(aka the Nazi salute)amongst Hezbollah soldiers which could make it infinitely easier for the Zionist Media to demonize yet the media seemingly never does publicize the fact that they do "Nazi Salutes"

Its the evil Saudis who are terrorists
who did 9/11 and pay no attention to Israel & Silverstein!

Nusrallah also regurgitates the same FSB/MOSSAD line about the terror attacks in Europe being the product of Radical Islam and somehow links it to Saudi Wahabism instead of ever revealing the fact that those terror attacks are CIA/MOSSAD/FSB false flag attacks conducted for the sole purpose of getting the average European to detest Islam/muslims.

Any Shia in any country who attempts to actually attempt to seriously damage Israel somehow gets accused of being an agent of Israel & the U.S by Hezbollah.

Gatekeepers Love Them

Gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky and the rest like to visit Hezbollah and show solidarity with their cause while to the average viewer it seems like this is a kind gesture, Israeli media is beyond ecstatic as it allows them to get most Israelis more and more entrenched into the false Left Wing/Right Wing paradigm and have them feel outraged at prominent Leftists showing support for who they consider to be "terrorists".

Hezbollah Involvement In Syrian War

Now that every country which has been militarily involved in the Syrian conflict is now in bed with Israel(including Iran), Hezbollah has become just another pawn which will endlessly fight against local Sunni Militias in Syria for the next few decades.

Subhi Al Tufayli did warn them not to become pawns of the Russians or the Americans but his words fell onto deaf ears once he spouted some ludicrous propaganda about how Iran,Russia and Syria created Daesh/ISIS when in fact any person worth his salt could tell you it was Israeli intelligence which created ISIS(aka Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)

Hassan Nasrallah will continue to spout the same empty Anti Israel rhetoric while he sits comfortably protected by confused Lebanese Arabs and he will send youngsters to fight in a pointless civil war in Syria just to help Assad defend the borders of Israel as he and his late father has been doing for the past 30 years.

The Alt Media gurus will keep telling you that both sides of every war is controlled & funded by Central Bankers yet they will indirectly glorify Freemason Assad and Zionist Rouhani.

All in all, the history of the Hezbollah organization is tragic and started with genuine intentions of fighting against Israel and the lower levels of Hezbollah are filled with real Anti Zionists who deeply cares about the Palestinians but after Moussawi's death, their new leader Hassan Nusrallah can be considered suspcious(and that is putting it lightly once one considers the history of Freemasonry in Syria & Iran and how similar the symbol of Hezbollah is to that of the Zionist terrorist organization "Irgun")

On a final note, this was not meant to be a hitpiece against the Hezbollah organization since the demonization campaign levied by the Zionist lobby against Iran and Lebanon has already been abundently extreme.But since we are in a time of war, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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