Lawsuit Against George W Bush Being Dismissed!?

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Now that one of his puppetmasters,David Rockefeller is dead,George W Bush is now under more scrutiny as the global push to impeach Neocons like the Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family and put them in prison for their not only war crimes but also for other crimes they committed like murder and rape demonstrated is by slogans in the 2016 Presidential election against the Clinton Crime Family like "Lock Her Up" or "Bill Clinton is A Rapist".Though this time the corrupt system let Bush get away from the fists of Justice that is inching towards him with each passing day,but with an informed citizenry who is vigilant we can and we will bring these criminals to justice.The thousands of children who were killed in the Iraq War waged by Bush and his neocon friends (who lied about Saddam Hussain having Weapons of Mass Destruction)will not be forgotten.

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Following you! Lock them all up.

Lock them ALL up!!! Jeb admitted, on camera, that he would go to jail for his dad... Ok let's take him up on that offer!