PressForTruth Is A Zionist Propaganda Outlet

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)


" After the mysterious death of Dan Wallace(the real founder of WeAreChange) the entirety of the Alternative Media became filled with Neocons and Zionist infiltrators who portrayed themselves as Anti War activists when in fact they are the complete opposite.
Dan Dicks of PressForTruth is just one amongst many who have become part of the Multi Billion dollar MOSSAD propaganda machine who will try to spread Anti Islam sentiments while pretending to oppose Globalism to get more people to hate muslims so much that they will fight for Israel and kill innocent muslims in the Middle East for Bibi Netanyahu and his Rothschild criminal buddies."Dan Dicks propagates the exact Anti Islam script which Former Deputy Head of Israel's Secret Police "Shin Bet" Yisrael Hasson wants all of Europe to eventually religiously believe in.~TSR Editor

In his documentary "Decade of Deception" Dan Dicks regurgitates parts of the same pre-approved alt media narrative that only Saudi Arabia and the U.S government did 9/11 while outright ignoring the Israel's huge role in 9/11.

Dan Dicks regularly interviews Zionist Neocons such as Lauren Southern and Milo Yiannopoulos and even promotes & endorses Zionist warmongers such as Faith Goldy as a candidate for mayor of Toronto.

Dan Dicks proudly defends MOSSAD agent Tommy Robinson(who is a close friend of Deborah Rothschild) and tries to portray Tommy as a defender of free speech.

Dan Dicks also only ever covers Zionist front groups such as the Bilderberg Group while never revealing the fact that the Bilderberg Group is filled with influential Zionists.

Bilderberg has become nothing more than a distraction which COINTELPro Agents want the entire Alternative Media to massively focus on while ignoring the actual high level criminal organizations such as Chabad Lubavitch, American Zionist Organization and Freemasonic Lodges.

Dan Dicks has almost never once spoke about the influence of Freemasonry in governments across the globe.

Dan Dicks also employs the same tactics as Alex Jones when it comes to naming the "enemy of the people" where its the mystical and ever so mysterious "Globalists".
The only time he would ever name any of the "Globalists" would be when he merely calls out low-level crooks such as George Soros and David Rockefeller,both of whom works for Jacob Rothschild while the latter is already dead but somehow Jacob Rothschild's name would almost never escape the lips of Dan Dicks.

In his early days of being in the Alternative Media, he started his "career"(if you could even call it that) by interviewing gatekeepers such as Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux, both of whom would eventually jump on the Trump Neocon train in early 2016.

Dan Dicks parrots the official narrative of every false flag attack or hoax in Europe carried out by the MOSSAD and the CIA and would be more than enthusiastic to frame & blame Islam & Muslims while allowing the real perpetrators & criminals walk away untouched.

In short,PressForTruth is a disinformation channel whose aims are no different from media outlets such as InfoWars,Breitbart,the Drudge Report, Rebel Media and Newsbud.

Most of the information these outlets provide are not for the purposes of informing the masses nor for finding out the truth behind the "Evil Globalists" but to confuse the masses and play with & undermine their perception of the world.

Most of what Dan Dicks have done throughout his career serves the interest of only one single political entity, the usurping entity of Israel.

If you are truly against Globalism and if you are truly against the wars in the Middle East then you need to know Israel is the sole entity responsible for these wars and Israel is driving force behind spread of Globalism throughout the developed world.And Dan Dicks support for Zionists such as Lauren Southern and Faith Goldy should be obvious to you that he serves the interests of the very "Globalists" he claims to oppose.

A man who supports Zionists and demonizes Islam is not a friend of the Anti War Movement.

Supporting Dan Dicks is not supporting investigative journalism

Supporting Dan Dicks is not fighting against Globalism

Support for Dan Dicks & PressForTruth equals to support for Jacob Rothschild & Israel, it equates to support for the demonization of innocent muslims by both the Mainstream Media and the Zionist controlled Alternative Media and it also means support for the cover-up of Israel's crimes.

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PressForTruth Endorses Ultra Zionist Faith Goldy For Mayor of Toronto:

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....I'm confused...You see being anti islam as being anti war..?

No,being against Islam for wrong reasons is Pro War.
Demonization of Islam by blaming Islam & Muslims for false flag attacks carried out by the MOSSAD is a Pro-War Neocon tactic.
Those who demonize muslims at a time where thousands of innocent muslims are being killed by the West is intentionally or unintentionally fueling Pro-War sentiments

If a muslim carries out an attack, ( unknowingly handled/set up , by mossad), but he thinks he is doing it for some 'jihad', or other...

...would this be an islamic terrorist attack, or a mossad/zionist attack..?

He should be called a useful idiot who unknowingly helped the MOSSAD.
It would still classify as an MOSSAD/Zionist attack.

So by that argument, the person who pulls the trigger is not guilty from his own motivations?
IF he believes he is doing it in the name of islam, it is not an islamic attack?

If other muslims take inspiration from it, and also do an attack - it would be a successful Zionist psi op? would still be down to the zionist plot..?

You see the danger of the logic used in your argument..?

Anybody can absolve themselves of personal responsibility for their actions ...and blame someone else...

Islamic/Christian/Sikh terrorist acts would only start to actually exist once groups like Hagana and people like the Rothschild Banking Dynasty no longer exist.
We currently live in a time where most if not all alleged Muslim,Sikh and Christian "terror" attacks are done by intelligence agencies.
When intelligence agencies no longer exist, only then would any attack by some Ultra religious nutcase be considered a flaw of his/her religion.

So your logic will always go back to rothchilds zionism then, no matter what...?

Look, I am not ignoring Islamic extremism/Christian fanatics.
There are rapes happening in Churches,Mosques and Synagogues by Priests,Imams and rabbis and you have every right to be angry about it but you have to understand that most of them are controlled far more dangerous and far more psychopathic individuals with billions of dollars at their disposal which we should worry about first.
Rothschild Zionism is the fuel and the engine behind the worst of the worst in every religion.
Israel financed not only "Islamic Terrorism" but also Sikh Terrorism and many many other forms of terrorism.