BREAKING: Arrest warrent issued for Green Party canidate Jill Stein.

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Morton County Sheriff's department in North Dakota filed charges of vandalism and trespassing today against Green Party candidate Jill Stein. On Tuesday Stein was with protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline where she helped spray paint a bulldozer with the words 'I approve this message' The Sheriff's department viewed video of her actions and decided to file charges against her.

Now if you ask me this was a big mistake by the Sheriff's department to do. Why, because you now made this a national issue and forced the main stream media to cover this. Instead of 2,000 protester you will now see 3,000 or 4,000 because you brought this to line light of media's attention. I suspect after the big oil companies funding this project realize what they've done they will have the charges dismissed against her.

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She says that she would call for another investigation of 9/11 if she got the Presidency. However the Green Party in general is being used by the NWO to call for the governments to stop (the bogus) climate change.

A warrant? For some spray paint on a pipeline construction site? I like her style! Lol.

she really gets in the thick of it hey
she's been arrested how many times now? lol

You got to respect her gutzieness. I don't think any other candidate would go this far for a cause.

Morton county sheriffs office have been obviously one sided in there handling of this. I had seen a rumor that in the incident the other day. the dozers were actually clearing land that was not even in the path of the pipeline. any truth to that?

I know they clear about a 150 ft wide corridor for the pipeline but I haven't heard anything about clearing outside of that area.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

she doesn't write over the other things on there, "..Jill Stein Spray Paints Occupation Bulldozer..":