RE: This WHITE KNIGHT is Staying To FIGHT -- Bob Lindsey

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This WHITE KNIGHT is Staying To FIGHT -- Bob Lindsey

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hey a-hole.
I'll be using that Sean until I get an apology from YOU since YOU wrote the following.
Don't be a dick and READ:

sgtreport (67) · 12 days ago
x-veritas, what an a-hole you have become. WTF man? You wrote: "Sean is truly losing his 'cred' with me.He's beginning to manifest all of the signs of controlled opposition."
WHY exactly????
There is an OBVIOUS divide and conquer strategy in the alt-media space on You Tube right now, mostly over Q, and clearly you drank the Kool-Aid. Veritas means truth, and you've lost track of it entirely if you think I'm "controlled" by anyone.
My Bollyn 9/11 interview was ALL about Zionism and the Mossad and You Tube DELETED it and gave me a STRIKE. Seriously, stop being a dick.

This post will be repeated on every one of your posts here at steemit until mitigated.
That means YOU-Sean, come to your senses and behave like a True Christian.
Stop whining.
It's not becoming a middle-aged Man.
Nor productive for your own children.


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Interesting read, for sure!

Interesting that Sean hasn't posted his latest interview on Steemit.. maybe he's avoiding your comments ;-)

Hyvää Huomenta N_& V_.
That's 'Good Morning' in Finnish.
Could be.
Anyway, I finally got a look at your 3 Comments above which I mentioned a few days ago.
Absolutely, positively were the links to Matthew North & Johnny Gat quite superb, considering they're very young men.
I was...impressed, in fact by their manner, communicative skills, maturity and....critical thinking skills.
Something which our Sgt.Sean could try to emulate; i.e. no whining...and conviction.

I've been doing ....some research ...which I'd like to share with You privately.
If you've got a simple & discrete way to contact You which is type-99% non-intrusive, let me know.
I'm 100% convinced that it will help us understand the dilemma We are facing concerning....the...Y/N question here @sgt.

In the meantime, Wishing You-N_& V_ the Best.
;) & :) X-


I hope you're doing well X-. I thought I should add a few extra thoughts here on my further observations with Sean as of late.

Sean doesn't seem to be posting anymore at Steemit and I can only assume it's because he doesn't want to deal with legitimate questioning of his previous behavior towards you and his often "extremely limited insight" content that I've been calling out.

Let's take an example of Sean's latest videos where he talks about the Tucson child trafficking camp that Veterans on Patrol and Craig "Sawman" Sawyer supposedly stumbled upon. Sean loves to push stories like this because they are emotionally laden for a lot of viewers which gets him views and donations, but very low on hard facts, very inconsequential to addressing the real pedo and human trafficking dealers (including intelligence agencies and other corrupt government and military agencies), and involving very sketchy interviewees that Sean never seems to do any background checks on. (And mind you this isn't the first time for this behavior. I could call out a lot of previous examples.)

So let's have a closer look at Craig Sawyer. Sawyer used to work closely with the Clintons, John McCain, and Donald Rumsfeld providing them protection services. In addition he's about as MSM/Hollywood as you can get. Sawyer was also on TV after the Las Vegas Shooting promoting that it was Democratic anti-gun lobbyists in the US rather than a highly skilled intelligence operation. By the way, Sawyer's net worth is around $18 million.. but I'm sure he just happens to be a very successful retired Navy Seal. In my humble opinion, he's appears to be part of just another agency op to misdirect, distract, divide, and conquer while real criminals and evidence are ignored.

Even if these guys did call out an old, out of use trafficking camp, it's just an emotionally-laden misdirection. This story is in my view far more about a regular Pizzagate distraction for the eternal-Trump-chumps" waiting for the Donald to "round them all up" rather than about getting any genuine child trafficking investigations moving. In addition, it's appears to be about self-promotion and donations for Sawyer and his so-called "charity" as is implied in the video below:

And it's very likely just part of the standard "non-linear warfare" theater that is regularly being used to screw with us:

Meanwhile, Trump pulled in Stephen Feinberg as the head of his Whitehouse intelligence advisory board, the owner of the infamous DynCorp corporation that was caught trafficking children for sex.. So why isn't Sean ever mentioning such facts? At some point, one has to ask..


Maybe we should put some bets on how long it's going to take.. I'm guessing it's going to be a while.